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Hi all,
My computer has crashed and I had to use a neighbors today. I'm still in the swap, I should have mine fixed sometime next month.
Just wanted to let everyone know I'm still hooking!!!
Hope to get back online soon!

Way cool..bookmarked!!!! Thank you!! I actually NEEDED more patterns!!!

Ronnie...don't drop out!! We don't care what your squares look like girl!! It's the swappin and gabbin and hookin together we like the best!!! You'll get the hang of it...and we aren't quitting you so go get that hook and try again!!!!

No don't drop out just do what ya can... That's all I'm doing and that's the way to learn.
please try again

Yes Scramble I book marked it too... like you I really need another pattern to think about doing

risurocket Sure wish I could have see a pic of you next to that cute waiter in a kilt

I think I'll crochet a kilt for DH
any color suggestions girls????

Glad you got to go on that trip I bet it was a great time

Can't wait to see the crochet you do with your yarn.

Well girls I'm going to go watch a movie Scorpion King 2 with the grandson and do a square while we watch.
Awww ronniega1, please don't give up......... just keep practicing. There is plenty of time to get them done before the deadline.

It took me forever to get them right for the last swap. The first attempt was very warpped, but it got better and better. I even got faster and I didn't send in the first 6 or 7 that I made.

What helped me was printing out the step by step page from There is also youtube video showing step by step also. Don't give up just yet.
Whoa...I lost track...I sent a picture? I did miss it, Darlene...but then again I haven't read back as far as I might have...I am soooo far behind in so many ways...

I wish I had gotten that pic with the waiter too. Next time, I promise!

And now back to my crazy crazy jet lagged sleep schedule... I went to bed at 6:30 tonight, and I am up now at almost midnight...
Hopefully this will reset my circadian rhythms finally, if I go back to bed. It's been like a roller coaster ride - up - asleep, up - asleep...
Good to hear from you Jean!!! Been missing you!! I just figured you were off somewhere hookin like a mad woman!! Hope you get your computer problems straightened out soon!!

Shanah, we have that hotel picture you sent back on post 855... too much adult Scottish beverages for you to remember???!!!

Ronnie...looks like you have alot of support here so pick that hook back up and give it another don't REALLY want to leave the sisterhood of the traveling hook now do you?!!!

I think I'll crochet a kilt for DH any color suggestions girls????

hmmmm, might I suggest a very large and loose stitch?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day ya'll!!!!!!! Happy Hookin!!!
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Ah yes, *that* little tasty movie. That was one *sweeet* hotel!
(whispers, "if only" behind hand) And as for the adult beverages, there were quite a lot of whisky tastings going on, as you couldn't throw a cat without hitting a distillery offering a tour.

I promise more pics soon. Still recovering from jet lag and the almost 1000 pictures DH took need to be sorted.

Have a great day all!
Ronniegal1 I will take your name off, but I wish you would reconsider, and if not please keep posting or it won't be the same without you. I have pm'd you also.

Risurocket I sent you a pm to I had to send it to myself and then send it to you or the computer would not have saved it.

Well I am off today to get more yarn, and do a little sightseeing since I have not left the farm in a month except for a quick day trip to the neigboring town 10 miles away. So me and littlebit are going into fort smith today to have lunch with mother and then meet up with a fellow BYC'er and make gift baskets for our chickenstock and go yarn shopping.

And I will post the link of the site where i got that 3-D sunflower pattern when I get home this evening.

Scoot I will put those copies in the mail in the morning.

Well ladies I'm off to shop have a great hookin day. Maw
Mawchick~ your patterns were picked up yesterday from the mail box, so keep an eye out for them and let me know when you get them. Have a great day today on your outing!!!! Sounds like so much fun!

It's a sad day for me.
I have to say goodbye to Mr. Kazoo, Mr. Libby & George. Mr. Kazoo & Mr. Libby are BO cockerels that hatched out this spring and George is a gorgeous EE cockerel that was suppose to be a pullet.

I just can't keep all the roos. I could see it now a whole village of bachelor roo pads lined up.

It's hard, but it will make my life & the girls life easier. Mr. Kazoo is a mean ankle biter, but Libby & George aren't so bad. Libby is shy. George is soooo sweet w/ us humans, but not so nice to the ladies.

I already have my older roo (SLW) Napoleon separated from the older flock b/c of loving them to much. He's my buddy and I'm keeping him. I also have a younger black Ameraucana that I'm keeping.

Hubby even said his goodbyes to them last night by holding them & petting them. He's had to take care of putting them up at night, esp Mr. Kazoo, b/c Mr. Kazoo hates me. He runs and bites my ankle when I'm not looking and runs away real quick before I can do anything. He's still mad b/c I separated him from the teenage girls when his hormones kicked in.

Anyway~it's still so hard & sad. I'm to sentimental.

I will probably cry. I'll take pics. Mr. Kazoo & Mr. Libby are in a crate ready to go, but I still have to catch George.

I can't wait to see my friend's farm. I hope they have a good life there.
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