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yup. ..sorry I was overwhelmed with ahhhh there's another one... posts flying everywhere... I think I better go clean my chicken coop....oooo, think the girls would like some eye candy posters? the walls are kind of bare out there.

lifelike sized ones...hmmmmm yeah what i couldnt do with...yea lol lost the thought
If you were a little ole hen sitting out there in your chicken coop and a Daniel Craig Rooster strutted up to you in a 007 Armani suit...wonder how many eggs you would be layin?!!
lol!!! Bond hens!!! There you go Shanah, we know how to increase your egg production!!! lol!!
If I get some eye candy posters out there, I don't know if I will ever leave the coop. There we will be, the hens and me sitting on the roosts drooling...

and if that rooster came in (btw, I have a line up on one very much like that, I think) looking like a Bond rooster, My ladies would be thanking me...oh yeah...mmm mmm... I will post pics of my bond rooster when we get him
provided things work out for that venture. I want healthy hens, maybe that is just the ticket! Thanks SE, I think you named my rooster too.

I am off to go clean their coop so I can even think about decorating.
He will probably have all the names, but I have been calling him Mr. Roo, so it will probably turn into Mr. Bond.
And since Mr. Bond has all the monikers that were mentioned, so will my roo. heh... I will most likely trade between double-Oh-7 and Mr. Bond the most, since those are my favorites too.

Note to self: Don't clean a 160 sq ft coop entirely by yourself for the first time, especially after one corner of the coop got flooded with something being wrong with their waterer. Either the girls decided to have water fights or the waterer is somehow leaking...but I put the darn thing outside because like heck if I am going to have another flooded coop.

From now on coop cleaning will be done on Saturdays when DH and DD can help.

Probably see you all later on. Unless I pass out
from exhaustion first.
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I mowed the lawns so I'll meet you on the sofa with a cold vodka cooler Shanah and we can hook a few squares and relax!!

Check out the squares on this link!!! And yes, one day I will fix all the links on our link page, just got discouraged about those and haven't been willing to work on them again!!..but...check this page out...a million square patterns!!!
Yeah, that's the root directory for the link I gave, alot of patterns off that page!! Like we need anymore patterns!!! I have half of that Motif book dog-earred for pages of patterns to try in the hexagons and triangles!! Even some new squares I liked in there..going to make myself finish this wool afghan first though..the crochet-a-long...then on to other things..and yes, good friends, good liquor, good laughing, good food..what could be better?!!! I'm there!!!
I am starving - don't talk about lasagna! I am really glad I didn't read this thread at work today - drooling at the computer - attorneys walking by my cubicle - not good!! I love Kenny! He would look great in a kilt!

Leep - sorry to hear about your sister. Hang in there! It sometimes a year for everything to stablize after a stroke.

I have not every sent any of my alpaca out to a mill - I wash it and either card it or comb it and then spin it. I have been sorting other peoples fleece to go to the Alpaca Fiber Coop and will send some of mine too. (My payment for this is to get to keep a couple of really nice fleeces). We can then buy products to sell (socks, gloves, scarves, etc.) The best of my fleece I do myself for me - I have bags of fleece waiting to be processed, but unfortunatly I still have to work the day job! I hope my sister and I can set up a farm store next year and sell some yarn and carded fleece. With colder weather coming I will hopefully be able to spend some time spinning and make the squares for the next swap out of my handspun alpaca.

I am now going to hook - 4 more squares to do! I usually hook on the rapid transit on the way to and from work, but the last couple of days I have had to stand up in a really crowded train - I will have to figure out a way to hook standing up!!!!

Take care!


p.s. I wish I had time to make some of those beautiful spiders!
Thanks for the link SE

Well ladies, men in kilts,
drinking, relaxing, food...sounds like a party to me, count me in!
I like some of the
guys...not sure how good they would look in a kilt
Imagine Sean Connery, Bruce Willis ...mmmm.......
oh & Tommy Lee Jones!!

Oh Karanleaf, that isn't to far from me, about 4 or 5 hour drive I think. Hop
, skip
& a BIG jump
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