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Morning all. Well, after digging out from a ice storm here in pa that left us with 2inches of ice, we're getting another one again.
Things are buisy like usual.

On another note, I've got to tell this story. I do equine Rehab here, I've done it for years. With the economy the way it is, we've been full and havent taken anything else in for several months.

This last ice storm we just had. I was awoke by our 2 boxers barking up a storm at 5:30 am. Being dark outside, I just left them out onto the deck and their dog yard and started making coffee.
Bark,Bark,Bark.. I left them in and they they wanted out again, this in and out stuff went on for about 5 mins.. Every time i let them in, they wanted right back out. I walked over and looked at our barn monitor, nothings going on in the barn........Back to drinking my coffee.
After about the 10th time of this nonscense , I said ok kids, picked up the flash light and suited up in my coveralls.
As I walked outside and went off the deck, I could make out a large object in our front yard by our big oak tree. As I shown the light, there stood a HORSE tied to our tree!!!!!!!!! Now it's sleeting like CRAZY and it's D cold!!! I walked down thru the yard on a sheet of ice and there stands this horse. By the look of him, he's been tied for several hours! poor old guy just stood there shivering with his eyes half shut!!!!!!!!!
So...I talked to him,untied him and walked him up to the barn, got him in the barn and after turning on the lights I started to check him out. Wowsahhhhh he dosnt look like hes had a decent meal for about 2 months and what a mess this guy is. I pulled out one of the heated buckets of warm water and gave him a little. Brushed all the ice off of him and got 2 blankets on him.
NOW, all my stalls are full with horses...Soooooooooo, I pulled off 2 metal gates from some of the paddocks and made a make shift stall in the middle of the barn aisle away from everyone else. Poor old guy just stood there looking at me with such a sad look in his eyes.
I just stood there talking to him for about half a hour, gave him a tiny flake of hay and then went into the house.
After a brief conversation with hubby ..of course he was watching me in the barn with the monitor camera. Per my husband...well, looks like santa dropped you off another horse to take care of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So that's how my last several days have been. We havent picked out a name for him yet and the SP are investigating.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Teri, that is the saddest, sweetest story!!!!! Lucky horse!!!!
Welcome Horsecrazy!

TB1 - That's amazing! I am so glad the horse is getting a happier home! Sounds generic, but maybe his name should be Storm. (not sure what his color is)...unless of course you already have a horse named that.

(< evil snowman) It is -4 degrees right now with a -29 windchill and more snow and blowing snow. I think that we are really being tested this winter. I sure hope my chickens are warm enough outside. I think I will get DH to put the heat lamp out there today.
Hopefully he will do that this morning and will be able to get the darn thing aimed correctly. Wish I could send him out for coffee (tea for those who don't drink coffee, and hot cocoa) and donuts, too.

Hope everyone has a good day and all of us in the cold regions are staying warm and cozy!
Horsecrazy, here are some links to some free dog patterns...

this one is crocheted:

one has the link above as well as others at the bottom of the page:
may have more, but I am having trouble getting it to load right now.

Hope that helps! (another option might be to do one that has sleeves and just leave the sleeves off... *shrug* just brainstorming. No idea if that would work or not since I have never tried making a dog sweater.)

ETA: these are just cute! (another christmas tree in case people missed the gorgeous one earlier in this thread posted by Erin I think.)
And I like this guy:

Hookers! Hope all is well and that you are all just busy!

ETA again: correction: windchill is now 31 degrees below zero. *sigh*
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So how's Jack Frost doing today? lol
I was offered a qh mare with a super gentle disposition the other day. Told them, sorry, don't have any kind of big animal shelter to offer, they told me a weather blanket would work good enough. ACK! Sorry, I've never really been around horses on a constant basis, and even I know that isnt good enough. Sure wish I had $950 to take it though. That was the final offer they gave me, $950, with blanket and halter, so long as I let them use her later for breeding... is that even a good deal?
So how's Jack Frost doing today? lol

Jack Frost! that's good!

I seem to have some good hardy arctic chickens out there. Still getting more than a dozen eggs, and the coop is staying above zero! woo hoo! (not bragging, just kind of amazed with the weather we are having)
950. Im not sure where your located at but horse meat is going for about 30 cents a lb right now! Ive seen reg QH's in the area going for 500.00,exp this time of year. As far as the blanket thing...rolling my eyes.......In pa the law states. food,water and shelter!
I not only do the horse rehab., Ive helped the SP and spca's with cruelty cases as well as am vp and lg animal cord for the pa sart team in our county.
As far as the horses name..giggle..hubby says to call him ICE!!!

vet was alrady out as well as the farrier. Vet says he needs about 400 lbs put on him VERY slowly!!! On a Henekee scale, hes about a 1.5. NOT a good thing for a horse,exp this time of year!
He seems to be very content right now though.
OMG SE, they are adorable!

Storm, Ice, Jack Frost all great names. TB1 you sound really busy. Someone must have swiped that horse from somewhere or found it wandering. Poor least those people knew where to take him.
The older one tolerates the dressing up and the little one is very very sweet and loving and at the same time a hyper, wide open, chewing little terror!!!

My thought on the horse is that someone knew Teri would feed and care for it in this rough economy. Glad he has you poor ole guy, he needs some tlc I bet
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