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Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!

pics of my fam on this thread:
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awww what a tuuute family!!!
See Jim, other people pose for pics!!! lol
Well, we started the morning filming the present unwrap, then Jim had a hissy.. grrrr .. and mother nature so kindly called me about 1 this morning, so only the girls are happy people! Poor Caydence is dragging around her unicorn.. I'll get a pic here in a min of them in thier ultimate presents!!
Happy holidays, and enjoy the madness!
Good morning and Merry Christmas!

Hope Santa was good to all my hooker sister and brothers! He was very good to me! I got....*drum roll*

An INCUBATOR! I now know what Mr. Grizzly MacFuzzybutt will be up to this spring.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and weekend! I will be gone through Saturday.


To all My Hooker Family

I am in a better and closer to Christmas mood this morning, fixing food for our dinner today is helping

So we are wishing a Very warm

From Our House to Yours
The chickens are in the yard having a big ole fuss, it's warm today and all the hens are throwing a fit, waiting to lay, and they all want the same spot!!
Guess that's what happens when you take them a half a loaf of homemade sourdough bread out for a g'morning treat! hahaha
The girls (human kids) have finally calmed down, and are now taking the time to play with one or two toys at the same time.
Yay mommy on getting crayons and coloring books!!! Now I know my mom's secret on keeping us calmed down somewhat!

Turkey's in the oven. (btw, in my cake pan) Any guesses as to what I forgot yesterday? lol
Gonna go peel squash and hopefully only some taters.... lol
If someone will bring dessert, we'll share turkey~ I am so NOT in the let's bake a pie mood. lol
Oh Scoot thank you!!!! I miss you guys too and my crocheting time, I have not done any in the last week and a half and am about to start having withdraws!!!! So sorry for not being on in a while its jsut do crazy busy this time of year and my parents came down and stayed with us and then I had to cook 10lbs of taters for his sides family dinner today so I have been really busy, but I hope soon I can get back to my old rountine and get to posting more again, just need to get the holiday past us. Merry Christmas Gals I love ya and miss ya a ton! Maw.
hey all ! im checkin in to see how everyone is with those crocheting fingers of yalls ! ive been busy learing new "patterns" from my mom and still making that lonnng scarf
merry christmas yall ! hope it was awesome !
Just want to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you!!! Cooked a big ham dinner for my three youngest kids and their girlfriends and now they are gone and it is very peaceful!
Hopefully I will be checking in more often after Saturday - our big family Christmas at my Mom's (and sister's) house. Good thing about that is that I still have a day to get all the gifts finished - now back to knitting and crocheting.

Hope you all had a wonderful day.

Yeah, Dinner is over dishes in dishwasher and leftovers in the fridge. My Brother and Sister have gone I took dinner to my Dad and stepmom , and over to my Mom too (she was working). So Our Christmas feast is over . Dh and I have been sitting and watching movies. Watching Pirates of the Caribbean may watch all three. And I am crocheting. aaahhhh nice to relax.

I hope everyone is having a great day and has a Wonderful weekend.

Oh, by the by, I did post the Babyghan Send Off Shower announcement.

Glad to see you pop in Maw I hope you and everyone have and had a

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I use to have that, but when we moved this phone company here doesn't have the wireless. So we have to get one from staples or

...sounds like me! This morning the grandkids woke up & I asked them if they were hungry...yep. We went to the kitchen & I said what shall we have????....COOKIES!!! So they had cookies & rice krispie bars (I figure the cookies have eggs in them & the other is made of cereal, so we were good to go). Boy their parents wanted to choke me. I said ahh heck it's Christmas! And when gramma has spoken with something like that, they know they can't argue.

skand, I love chocolate coveed cherries!

Wasn't there as of Tuesday, but I'm walking over to the post office in the am & check
Ya whats up with that?? We had a couple of episodes simular to that with a couple of the grandkids last night. had to remind them ....Santa was coming.....or not!
Skand sounds like you have raised a very good daugher there to be proud of!

Hope all had a great Christmas. I didn't get any presents, BUT I got what I have wished for, for about 2-3 months family all together! My kids have been fueding & disowing one another & it is sad to say, but the death of thier aunt a couple weeks ago brought them together again. & I couldn't have asked for anything more!
Thank you Lord!!!
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