TRY Disk clean up! I have mine set to do it! I bet that is what fixed mine!

Go to All programs , accessories, system tools, and do a disc clean up

I am afraid that I tried that too and no luck

For those that want them, here are the links to other web browsers. While they have a different 'feel' than I.E., they work just as well or better. I like a lot of the features, in Firefox, that I.E. does not have. I have only had it for a day and feel comfortable using it.


Chrome: (this is made by Google)

Here ( ) is a list of the best web browsers and their features. After reading it, I am going to load Chrome and compare it to Firefox and I.E.

This issue with BYC may have turned out to be a blessing in disguise (for me) as it made me look at other browsers and not just stop at I.E.

An interesting surprise, to all of this, is that loading Firefox cleared up the original issue that I had- with BYC- that no one had an answer for.

Sheila :)
Sumi, Safari was designed for Mac users, though I see there is now a version of it available for PC users.

Thanks for the handy links, PNW Girl. BYC has recommended these browsers elsewhere. (I confess I'd have to hunt for that, though.)

It doesn't surprise me a bit that just downloading FF cleared up a problem on BYC. The few times I've tried IE here, I quickly got annoyed with something and went back to FF. I used IE for several years before getting FF, and don't plan on ever going back. FF has several features I prefer -- even if things didn't work better, faster and more smoothly on FF, which they do. I also tried Chrome and had no trouble with it, but I prefer FF --- just a personal preference.
Wow, great discussion!

Yes, we definitely want all support requests that aren't very private to go to the forum. That way everyone can help and learn together. 99.99999999999999999999% of the time the question you have is also a question one of the other millions of people visiting BYC have or will have.

Regarding the missing editor: This seems to have come up in some rare browser versions after the last update. Please try the following:

  1. Delete your cache / browser history of files:
  2. If that doesn't work, reply with your browser and version
  3. Try a different browser - This will help us determine if it is a browser issue, computer issue, account issue, or something else.

Related to browsers: In my opinion (and the opinion of 98% of the site owners and developers in the world) Internet Explorer is not the best browser. Google Chrome and Firefox are better browsers and free. You can run them side-by-side with Internet Explorer, so you can test them out.
I tried this with my IE 9, didn't solve the problem. Everything seems to be working with Firefox though... I just like my IE.
I am also missing the editor line above the reply box on IE9, it is there when I access through my cell phone (no idea what browser that is) and if I use Chrome, but I still prefer IE and would love to see it work better with BYC - Thanks, Mary

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