BYC Is Against SOPA & PIPA

Obama said that he'd veto SOPA if it came to his desk, not sure about PIPA though.
if Obama can ACT when he talks about it, then I would believe him. Now the question would be WOULD he do it? Or would he feel overpressured by our congressmen to support SOPA?

I sure hope he would veto it.

Yep Senator Durbin SUPPORTS SOPA....what an ***!
SOPA and PIPA could also be used to permanently take down sites that don't fully rally behind whatever party is in power. This type of harassment is incredibly onerous for a number of reasons. First, it further concentrates power in the hands of the wealthy structural elites. Second, it makes a mockery of the First Amendment. Finally, it assumes cyberspace itself is a thing that must be tamed, managed, sanitized, and monetized. Sign those petitions against SOPA and PIPA, get up off your butts and call, fax, or email, the congress you elected to represent you and hope there's enough people cognizant enough to react against legislation that is above all, UN-AMERICAN.
I have sent this email to ever elected official in Kansas and my district!!

"This legislation, which has good although misdirected intentions, can affect many more websites than they initially believe. Smaller websites such as my favorite forum,, is a small operation that would never have the personnel to police the over 7000 publicly posted forum responses in a day. While, most posts are not targets, we can’t hold these chicken enthusiasts responsible for the crudeness which are trolls on the internet. I am asking as your constituent that you stand behind the Whitehouse and not support the bill concerning SOPA & PIPA!"

I borrowed these excellent words and posted them on the representatives' Facebook pages today

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