BYC Is Against SOPA & PIPA

I heard on the news this morning that someone or other has dropped his support for the bill... hey, it's even making its way down to news radio here!

I don't really know what I can do to help from outside the States, but I can only say that I didn't like the idea at all from the first time I heard of it! Thank you all for sending your emails, and doing the FB thing.

You can do this!

Originally Posted by crossgirl

I am in Canada. What if anything can I do to help from this side of the coop.
Please someone let me know and I'll help to tell the powers that be that they are laying a rotten egg.

From Wikipedia:

I don't live in the United States. How can I help?
Contact your local State Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or similar branch of government. Tell them you oppose SOPA and PIPA, and any similar legislation. SOPA and PIPA will affect sites outside of the United States, and actions to sites inside the United States (like Wikipedia) will also affect non-American readers -- like you. Calling your own government will also let them know you don't want them to create their own bad anti-Internet legislation.
I swear goverment is getting to involved in personal life.... Instead of worrying about the internet, they should worry more about the economy and creating jobs..
I sent an email to our rep in KS & also signed the Google petition. I couldn't stand it if my favorite forum, BYC is shut down because of this. I hope you all write & sign the petition.
I'm 100% against it. It would hurt me 2 fold one with my sites as I would have to worry everyday that It might be shut down for some unknown reason. and 2 I would not be able to access the knowledge that is already available online. It would definately hurt the economy Small buisnesses would be worried about the investment into going online because they might end up having there site locked up. And Sites like byc. Nifty puts a lot of money into upgrading and maintaining this site... If this were to pass it could be shut down in an instant and he would loose his investment into this wonderfull community. And ok so your site gets shut down for no reason? How do you contest the fact that it is closed. I'm sure they aren't really budgiting on having a whole bunch of federal employees working in a call center montering each request to be put back online.

Do really any other countries have this type of cencership. Well I already know china (i beleve) has this where they censor what they want there people to actually see.

A little political here but is not ment to harass just tryign to state a fact.

Just remember who these politions are behind all this and remember there names when you go to the elections.


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