BYC Is Against SOPA & PIPA

I swear goverment is getting to involved in personal life.... Instead of worrying about the internet, they should worry more about the economy and creating jobs..

Perhaps they want to make it seem like they're actually getting something done, be it something that needs to be done or not. :lol:

My area's person goes,"Yay! SOPA and PIPA are totally frickin' awesome!"
Has anyone contacted the CA peoples? I would, but I am too young. They won't listen to me, so would someone be so kind to do that for me?
I signed the Google petition!
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I have co workers from china, they went back for a month... before they left we were talking about the internet and how censored it is.

This SOPA/PIPA thing is almost exactly like what Communist China does now! Becoming more like them is a scary thought...

I have co workers from china, they went back for a month... before they left we were talking about the internet and how censored it is.

This SOPA/PIPA thing is almost exactly like what Communist China does now! Becoming more like them is a scary thought...

In my emails I closed saying that if the bill got passed, I may as well move to China. Scary thought indeed.
Here's an update.... SOPA has been temporarily shelved and they will only be voting on PIPA on Tuesday:
Protest leads to temporary 'shelving' of SOPA, PIPA still to be voted on January 24

The outcry against SOPA and PIPA has been so loud and effective that, according to House majority leader Eric Cantor, SOPA will now be shelved, and no vote will take place "unless there is consensus on the bill." This decision represents a huge victory in the short term -- but a potential vote on the bill could still rear its ugly head at any time, and most likely at a time when nobody is looking (

PIPA is also still a threat as it is reportedly set to be vote on January 24. This is why it is important to continue bombarding Congress NOW with opposition to both bills. You can take action against SOPA and PIPA by visiting:

The full text of SOPA:

The full text of PIPA:

Learn more:
I just received this email from: [email protected]

Today was nuts, right?

Google launched a petition. Wikipedia voted to shut itself off. Senators' websites went down just from the sheer surge of voters trying to write them. NYC and SF geeks had protests that packed city blocks.

You made history today: nothing like this has ever happened before. Tech companies and users teamed up. Tens of millions of people who make the internet what it is joined together to defend their freedoms. The free network defended itself. Whatever you call it, the bottom line is clear: from today forward, it will be much harder to mess up the internet.
The really crazy part? We might even win.

Approaching Monday's crucial Senate vote there are now 35 Senators publicly opposing PIPA. Last week there were 5. And it just takes just 41 solid "no" votes to permanently stall PIPA (and SOPA) in the Senate. What seemed like miles away a few weeks ago is now within reach.
But don't trust predictions. The forces behind SOPA & PIPA (mostly movie companies) can make small changes to these bills until they know they have the votes to pass. Members of Congress know SOPA & PIPA are unpopular, but they don't understand why--so they're easily duped by superficial changes. The Senate returns next week, and the next few days are critical. Here are two things to think about:

1. Plan on calling your Senator every day next week. Pick up the phone each morning and call your Senators' offices, until they vote "no" on cloture. If your site participated today, consider running a "Call the Senate" link all next week.

2. Tomorrow, drop in at your Senators' district offices. We don't have a cool map widget to show you the offices nearest you (we're too exhausted! any takers?). So do it the old fashioned way: use Google, or the phonebook to find the address, and just walk in, say you oppose PIPA, and urge the Senator to vote "no" on cloture. These drop-in visits make our spectacular online protests more tangible and credible.

That's it for now. Be proud and stay on it!

--Holmes, Tiffiniy, and the whole Fight for the Future team.


P.S. Huge credit goes to participants in the 11/16 American Censorship Day protest: Mozilla, 4chan, BoingBoing, Tumblr, TGWTG, and thousands of others. That's what got this ball rolling! Reddit, both the community and the team behind it, you're amazing. And of course, thanks to the Wikimedians whose patient and inexorable pursuit of the right answer brought them to take world-changing action. Thanks to David S, David K, Cory D, and E Stark for bold action at critical times.

P.P.S. If you haven't already, show this video to as many people as you can. It works!
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