I just learned to knit in the round this year because I too was tired of the seams. I'm still really bad at the ribbing in the round, but I'm getting better. It's really not hard and is more enjoyable because you don't have to keep changing back and forth between knit and pearl rows.
I have been quite busy knitting a baby dress for my sisters baby that is due in Janurary. It is a Patons pattern and I am using Patons Beehive!
I'm working on a hat right now, trying to get the sizing right, so I don't know who's hat its going to be.
Using Wool-ease and size 8 needles.
No knitting at all for me recently... I damaged a tendon in my left hand, so I can't knit :-(

In fact, all of my activities for the last few days have been one-handed :-(

Hugs to all,
I'm looking for a pair of fingerless gloves and was wondering if any of you ladies sold them?

Please don't suggest I take up knitting, my Grandmother (God rest her soul) spent countless hours trying to teach me. I'm the only woman in my family for generations who can't knit.
There are two styles of fingerless gloves. The original style looks like a typical glove with most of each of the fingers cut off. That is the most difficult type to knit, as you have to knit individual fingers.

A really easy kind to knit, is just to leave an opening for the thumb to poke through and an opening for all of the fingers to poke through. I guess it looks more like a mitten with the tip cut off! I think this type might be referred to as gauntlets, sometimes, too, these days.

This type can actually be made from a square (or maybe a rectangle?) and seamed, also! You do a little ribbing at one end for the wrist, then what ever stitch you want for the rest of the "square." Then you just sew the wrist seam, leave a little opening for the thumb and then continue sewing the seam next to the side of your palm. And you're done!

I just wanted to encourage anyone that hasn't tried this, to do something new. It's not any harder than a washcloth. If we find a decent online pattern, should we try this as a group knit along? Any interest? It must be getting to knitting season for me and I haven't found yarn for my husband's new sweater, yet.
Good evening ladies.

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading the full 36 pages of posts about knitting and would love to join y'all.

Though I'm a reluctant mother of 6 (chickens, that is), I am an avid knitter and have been since I was 16. (My dad's secretary thought I needed "something to do" and sent me to the local department store to pick out a pattern and yarn.) An argyle sweater, 1983 of course, and many other pieces since then, I am a definite adict. Currently I am working on an afgan made of dishclothes (yes, my own creation from leftovers). I can't wait to add the "mystery" dishcloth pattern to the bunch plus some of the barnyard patterns too!

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