Hmm...yes...chickens and yarn are both highly addictive....

Wonder if anyone's tried making yarn from feathers yet? That would have to be a true sign of dual addiction

Hugs to all,


P.S: seismic wonder2 - how is the sweater going? Good luck with it
Hey Seismic,
Maybe this will help? I interpret it this way:
R1- BO 4 st, k to the end
R2- BO 4 st, k to the end
R3- K1, k2tog, knit to last 3 st, k2tog, k1
R4- K plain
R5- K1, k2tog, knit to last 3 st, k2tog, k1
R6- K plain
R7- K1, k2tog, knit to last 3 st, k2tog, k1
R8- K plain
R9- K1, k2tog, knit to last 3 st, k2tog, k1
R10 and beyond (unitl area from bind off to the top comes to 11.5 inches)- K plain
OOOOOOoooo - Catcrazyuk - you reminded me of something!!! Spinning my dogs fur into yarn!!! How incredibly COOL would that be?! One of my dogs has the softest fur you have ever felt. Oh boy, what a thing This is going to turn into. I can just see it now. wowza.

Oh, I have to share, 'cause I am so proud - my neighbor visited today and she is a really great knitter and she told me that for knitting for the first time I was really doing quite well with getting the tension right and everything. The compliment made me feel like a million bucks. Thanks for letting me share that.

I Totally will go to those sites and check them out LindaN. Thank you soo much. I really think that it would be fantastic to turn my creations into something that others would also enjoy. And it makes me feel Really good doing things for others - so I think I have found my perfect hobby/craft. Aside from the dogs and the chickens and all that.
hee hee hee.. All of you guys on here are just Great!!! Thanks so much for everything.
I just want to say how much I love the internet for those times when I'm stumped by a pattern!! I'm planning to start a pair of slippers that call for the fisherman's rib. After making my guage, I decided to try this new (to me) stitch so I didn't get stumped on my bus commute.

However, the pattern wasn't clearly written, and none of my books were helping.

Enter the internet & google! I found a site that made sense, tried the pattern, and fixed the problem.

Now let my slippers begin.
I have knitted so many hats already and have a few left to go. (change the whole meaning of 2manyhats) I should be able to finish my Bro's scarf this week, too. Got another scarf to go, but that one is more like a cowl neck. I am ready to get on with the ornaments and rice bags.

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