Phew! It's not just me... what a relief

Rice bags are heating pads. They can be used to ease sore muscles or to warm you up in bed. It is fabric filled with rice that is heated in the microwave. The rice absorbs moisture from the air so when it is heated it gives off a moist heat. BTW, these can be placed in a plastic bag and stored in the freezer as ice packs as well. They can be as decorative or simple as you choose. I have one that is a long sock filled loosely with rice and tied on one end. Not pretty, but works great.
sorry i havent posted here in a while been busy working on soooo many things!!! almost have my hat and matching mittens finished....will post pics as soon as i can. tale care and keep those needles flying!!!
Now that I know what a rice bag is, I don't think you'll be knitting them, will you. Maybe felting them. They do sound like good gifts. We love to give gifts, but can't afford to buy them, so we make our own.

We were talking about them on the what are you making for christmas thread.
Hmm.. I'm now thinking stitched up rice bag with a knitted cover - great gift for my mother :)

Hugs and thanks,
Hurray!!! I have successfully completed my first project, which is a scarf. My mother(seasoned pro when it comes to knitting) nearly fell off her chair when she saw my finished scarf(finished it in less than a week). But what totally suprised me, was how very proud my dad was of my work. Later, when my mom had left the room for a moment he said to me "I Really hope you will continue with your knitting. You could really do something with it". It was not a typical thing my dad would say. Not that he isn't supportive or complimentary when it comes to praise etc. But this seemed to really strike a soft spot in his heart and the encouragement was Very heartfelt. It might have something to do with the fact that out of all the grandkids in the family, I seem to possess quite a few of the same talents and qualities that my grandmother(my dad's mom who recently passed away)did. So, maybe that had something to do with it. Not sure.

ANYway, I have received 3 requests for scarves from 3 very dear people. So, I have projects to keep me busy for at Least another week or two.
I will post pictures as soon as I am able to.

Hope everyone is having a warm and cozy night!!! Thanks for letting me share my small 'brag'.

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