Thank You both so much! That's exactly what I wanted and I've already got it on the needles!
Jenns - those fingerless gloves look wonderful. I too have been nervous to try it.

Silkies- I love those socks. The yarn you chose looks perfect for the design.

Here is what I am working on:



The second one is on the needles, but just barely. They are slipper socks for my oldest son. Because they are fair isle technique throughout, they are extremely thick and cozy. The yarns are a commercial merino and some of my homespun/dyed cormo. The pattern is out of "Folk Socks" by Nancy Bush. It has some wonderful, interesting sock patterns in it, along with a ton of history.
Thank you! I am new to fair isle. The trick is that if you go more than a few stitches with one color only, to make sure you twist the other yarn around the one in use in back of the work to make sure you don't get big tangly loops of yarn. Also, make sure to not pull the yarn too tightly so that you don't get any puckering.

Thanks jenns, I have been wanting to make gloves, but I've been a big chicken about it. I have Nancy Bush's "Folk Mittens" and a ton of small bits of yarn, so gloves would be a perfect project over the holidays. Plus, I HATE having cold hands!
Im just finishing a pair of socks that Ive knit two at a time doing Magic Loop Toe Up Socks on a single long circular needle. Just a few more inches of cuff to go. I really like doing two at a time so that the second sock actually gets knit. LOL But when I make a mistake, it is double the trouble.

I want to try the Dead Fish Hat soon.

that fish hat is cute - I made the balaclava - I think it was called jack skellington - also on knitty.

The eye holes in mine didn't turn out well, I want to crochet around them to hold in all the threads around the eye.

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