And when they're done with that - they can knit this for my dog


And perhaps a tiny one for the cat who gets terribly cold in winter with hardly any fur!

I have toy poodles. Those poor babies do wear sweaters in the winter.
And when they're done with that - they can knit this for my dog


And perhaps a tiny one for the cat who gets terribly cold in winter with hardly any fur!

I have toy poodles. Those poor babies do wear sweaters in the winter.

I had a 7 lb Boston and he not only wore sweaters and a coat outside in the winter, but doggie boots as well. You know, like the Iditarod dogs do, only much smaller.
I must admit to looking at boots for a LONG time. We have lots of cactus and things like that around here. When she was just a tiny pup it was so heartbreaking to see her jumping around squeeking with a spiky in her foot - I tried to keep her out of the long grass and tree's for MONTHS.

She's only 8 months or so old now, and no worries, she does still get thorns/spikies in her feet, but she just stops, sits down and bites them off/out and carry's on her way - it doesn't seem to bother her too much anymore, I'm guessing her little feet pads have thickened up now.

She does hop around on the ice/snow when she's been on it for a while, she'll hold one foot up at a time
She's spoiled rotten - we let her back in the house and a cozy couch before she suffers!
It actually was a matter of necessity, as funny as it was to watch him in it. Here in the NE they use salt on the roads and sidewalks. At the time we lived within city limits and they salted the walks. When I would take him for walks in the winter, his feet would get all cracked and bleed from the salt. They really do help.
I must admit to looking at boots for a LONG time. We have lots of cactus and things like that around here. When she was just a tiny pup it was so heartbreaking to see her jumping around squeeking with a spiky in her foot - I tried to keep her out of the long grass and tree's for MONTHS.

She's only 8 months or so old now, and no worries, she does still get thorns/spikies in her feet, but she just stops, sits down and bites them off/out and carry's on her way - it doesn't seem to bother her too much anymore, I'm guessing her little feet pads have thickened up now.

She does hop around on the ice/snow when she's been on it for a while, she'll hold one foot up at a time
She's spoiled rotten - we let her back in the house and a cozy couch before she suffers!

Oh GIRL!! I know you are up to sewing winter boots for her, they're really just little 'sacks' of polar fleece. with a 'wrap around' bit of velcro around the top. I'll see if I still have the directions.

No answer for the cactus stickers, rip-stop nylon maybe? but it sounds like she's gotten tough enough for those.

Oh, I'm sending you a PM about feed sack bags.
I found some patterns (finally) for knitting socks with a single tip needle.....although now I want to get double tipped and do it that way lol . Thank you for your encouragement It was like mission impossible to find the patterns. The knitting world is still new to me.
Nikki - you sound like a true knitter... always wanting the next stage of progress lol

Hugs and good luck,
Its interesting how we evolve. From knuckle dragging wives to single point knitting, double point, and for myself, I never once thought I'd like to knit on circular needles...but omg, its so awsome, no changing needles all the time, not having that little looser area between needles.
I had to put my knitting on hold until tomorrow, but for good reasons DH is home and then my next fave thing, a Poultry Club Meeting. Wooohooo!
Happy knitting to you today!!!

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