Hi! I would like to join also. I was a consummate crocheter for years and finally started knitting a few years ago. I just started a prayer shawl for a good friends mother who just found out she had cancer. I just started a thread, but maybe folks didn't see it. I started using chicken leg bands for stitch markers. They work great and are WAY cheaper than what you pay for at craft stores. Anyway.. nice to meet y'all.

I have also just learned the art of knitting ~ this is my first attempt on circular needles ~ but, I made the body of the hat too small, so I had to add several rows of crochet, and then I didn't really know how to finish off the crown of the hat, since it was getting too hard to knit on the circulars, so I just crocheted off the needles and did decreasing single crochets in a spiral till it was done.

(edited to fix spelling)
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WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This hat is AWESOME!!!!!
You did a lovely job. It looks so great. I love that you crocheted to finish what you had difficulty doing.
The crochet gives the hat a lot more interest and style.

In case you are interested:

To finish off the crown of the hat in knitting, do as you did decreasing until there are too few stitches to comfortably fit around the circular needle.
Thenyou have to switch to double pointed needles or begin using two circulars. That is how I do it.
When using two circular needles, they must be the same size needle but the length of the tether doesn't matter.
Position 1/2 of the stitches on one needle and the other 1/2 on the second needle. I usually put the front 1/2 on one and the back 1/2 on another.
This means that the beginning end of round marker is in the center of the back needle.

To knit:
Pull the front needle through the stitches it is holding so that the tether is running through the stitches and the ends are just hanging down. Then ignore it for now.

You will start with the back needle if you positioned your stitches like I do, with the beg/end of round marker in the middle.
That is where your working yarn should be waiting after the last stitch that you knit to end the round.

Slip the marker as usual and then just hold the left hand needle with the stitches to be worked in your left hand like normal.
But you will use the other end of the same needle to knit off those stitches. When you come to the end of the stitches for the back needle you stop with that needle. Just gently pull the needle through the stitches so that the tether is holding them and allow the needles to hang down.
Switch to the front needle, gently push the stitches back onto the needle toward the point. Use the other end of the same circular needle to knit off the stitches, then move to the back needle and finish off the round.
This will put you back at the beg/end of round marker in the center of the back needle again.

You would work your decreases as instructed in your pattern.

this is the same technique used to knit socks in the round on two circular needles. You should be able to find some videos on the internet to actually show you what I am talking about.
Once you grasp the concept it is very easy to do. I knit all my socks and baby booties, hats and sweater sleeves this way. No seams needed, no handling 3, 4, or 5 double pointed needles, it's quick and easy.

I hope that I haven't confused you too much. :)

By the way, where do you get the chicken leg markers? I need some and I like your colors?
I forgot that you are the one with the markers. Where do you get them from?
I need to order some and I like the colors that you have.
Thanks much
It looks great!
When it gets too small for the circular needles, slip the remaining stitches on to 3 double pointed needles. Knit off one onto a 4th empty needle, etc until there's only a few stitches left and then end it off. Kudos to you for your creativity!!!!!
Oh Posey that is awesome advice!! I absolutely hate working on the double pointed needles. I did buy a "how to knit socks" book and it gives instructions for using two circulars so I bought those too. Just need to make sure I've got the hats figured out before I move on. I did check my gauge on the too-loose hats and after they were already stetched out, the stitches per inch matches what it should so I am definitely off. I will start checking my gauge on anything new I start - thanks for the tips!
Wow! Thanks for all that info!! And no, it's not too confusing ~ the problem was, see, I didn't have a pattern, I was just making it up as I went, because I have a hard time figuring out patterns unless they have a diagram with them. Or if I can see the stitches really close up, I can usually figure out how they were made. Well, with crochet, lol, with knitting it's a tich different.

Using two pairs of circulars makes sense, though, ( plus I have several pairs of circulars, & no DP needles). :-D

I too was trying out a hat in the hopes that I could figure out socks. But it seems so TINY ~ lol, ~ I guess I am more used to healthier yarn, that makes up faster. Honestly, that is also the reason I invested a little into a small knitting machine ~ I figured there were certain things that could be made that only required straight stockinette, and that a knit machine might be just the thing. My true laziness shines forth! ;-D

Do you any of you use a knitting machine at all?

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