
I love those mittens. I bet my 2 year old grandson would like a pair. Just got back from NC for my granddaughters wedding which was awesome and held outside in gorgeous fall weather. While gone my Wyandott finished setting on her eggs and she hatched 3 out of five. They all look like the Old English game bird so I think the roo mated with the half silkie as her roo is all colors of black brown and white. These babies are the porceline color of the little game ones. They're so cute and mama is taking such good care of them. Thankfully I have a fantstic neighbor who looks after my animals when I am gonne and I do the same for her. Now I can get back to knitting my fair isle sweater I started a month or so ago.
Thank-you m,kitchrngirl and WoodlandWoman for the alpaca advise! Think I will try an Elizabeth Zimmerman Jerkin vest in stocking knit with garter stitch trim.

Ravelry is great!

Theeggboxtoo, there is an excellent chance of finding free glove patterns on the Ravelry site. If there is a small charge it is often directly to the person who figured out the pattern. It is free to join.
of course, then they asked me if there was a Ukuele thread- my kriptonite.
I think I'd better start one.

*eyes go big* I need to knit a chicken themed ukulele case!!!!!!
I made this for my dog yesterday and the day before. I wasn't following a pattern, so it's a little short underneath. I'm going to crochet lengthen it.


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