Thank-you MullersLaaneFarm and Itsy for the spinning wheel info! I have taken a couple of classes at a spinning shop. Their Spinolution wheels are very smooth but spendy. Need to find out what model the Louet was. The treadle took more pressure but it was a very functional wheel. Will look for an S17. Also tried an Ashford Kiwi, it was, well, interesting. Just saw a Kromski, will be on the look out to try one. Thanks for the spinning link!

Itsy, our knitting looks very similar!
The book I learned from shows to knit through the back of the loop. I knitted for a year, an entire mitered afghan worth of squares before learning I was twisting the stitches. Makes for a pretty textured fabric.
When knitting in the round and knitting all stitches, it is called a stockinette stitch.

When knitting flat, if you knit the right side and purl the wrong side, it is called a stockinette stitch.

So the picture you're showing is knitting in the round??

Ok, disregard my last post about the Combined Continental. Knit through the front leg of the stitch for a regular Stockinette Stitch. By knitting through the back leg, you are twisting your stitches.
Mullerssssss....but that's what I am telling you. I am knitting through the front and not the back. Once upon a time, I knit through the back - like a year ago.... and now I'm knitting through the front, but I'm still having the twisting problem.
Yes, this is in the round. I may be hopeless.
Itsy, I am wondering when you are knitting through the front of the loop, are you knitting between the 'legs' of the loop right to left? Or putting the needle through left to right? I twisted stitches by putting the needle through the front of the loop right to left.
Thanks peep! I am going left to right. I should take a video to show you guys what I'm doing. Maybe you'll see something I'm doing wrong.
If you could do a video, that would be fantastic!

The other thing you could try is looking around for a local knitting group or yarn store. I'm sure it won't take more than a couple of minutes to set you right.
Aw. Reading this thread made me want to start knitting again, haha. Only problem with knitting is I am vegan, I don't use wool. Which is why I gave up on knitting. Does anyone know if there is any good 'faux wool' around?
You could try cotton, bamboo or the many synthetic yarns that are out there. They're all labeled, if you want to go browse in a store.

Some spinner's flocks also include wethers. These are males that have been neutered. That way the extra males can live a happy life instead of being eaten as lambs. In case that makes a difference to you.
Hi everyone I knew I should have stayed out of hobby section now that I am getting back to knitting.
I was taught when I was 7 to 9 and only did a square. I have just started again as of 3 days ago. I am still perfecting my knit stitch before trying purl. A few years ago I bought a Susan Bates kits that came with many needed goodies plus a booklet. Well worth what I paid for it. I also bought some circuler needles. Have yet to open that package. I have been on a few sites like knittinghelp and knittinghaven and the knittingforums. Learned alot real fast. I think my main projects for now will be dishtowels a mat for back of car(since it is all plastic) and washcloths since I make soap also and I am not like the ones I bought. I hope to get up to making socks we shall see, they scare me. Ok I am off to find out what day our local group here meets at our quilting shop. That was a lucky find last month when I was not even looking.

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