m.kitchengirl, neat idea for the big floor pillows. I think it was Elizabeth Zimmerman who wrote directions for the Pi Blanket, a flat round knitted blanket. (there are examples on Ravelry) That pattern has the increases for knitting a flat circle. To make a pillow it would be a matter of not increasing stitches when wide enough to make the side walls, then reversing the pattern to knit back to the center. In theory.
I know this is a knitting thread but I have crocheted a number of large cat beds, 2 strands, 20'' in diameter, the sides are about 20'' and are folded back to make a 10'' double thick side wall. The pattern could easily be made into a pillow. They are very fast to make, if this is of interest I can write up directions. Sorry to hijack the thread with crochet!
I usually do crochet for things like that. Crochet is super easy to do as circles and spirals. I start in the middle and work my way out, with crochet.

Knitted, I'd start at the outside and work my way in. That's how I do hats. You could knit in the round on a circular. Cast on as many stitches as you need for the circumference you need. Knit as many rows as you need to get the depth of the side that you want. Then start decreasing, like you would with a hat, but more sharply, so that it stays flat.

You could also google for knit or knitted round pillow pattern, if you need a row by row type of instructions.
Love the outfit.

I juat bought local a Chiaogoo bamboo cirular to replace my straight needle. Love this new one. It has increased my knitting time and decreased my splits. I have on order Lucy Neatby dvd for beginners too. I also got some new cotton yarn for making a dishtowel from plymouth yarns. It is one ofthe multis.
Hi all, just wondering if anybody here uses the Hiyahiya interchangeable circulars? I was planning on ordering some and found a great deal on them! Thanks!
I heard that are not as sharp as other if that matters too you. I would check Ravelry for they have a Hiyahiya forum. I know many like them and many sell them when they buy Dyakcrafts. But then again they are bit more expensive sine they are hand made.
I have regular HiyaHiya circulars and like them as much as my Addi circulars. I've got a set of interchangables on my Christmas list.

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