Those are nice! That is pretty yarn.

I like that dog sweater pattern, too. Most don't cover the chest like that one does. I think that keeps the dog warmer. Those leg openings look easier to get the dog into than a longer leg, too.
Those look great. I bet they're warm. I probably should make some for myself. It does get cold here in the desert in winter, especially when the wind blows. The sweater I am knitting is using the yarn from hobby lobby. Don't you just love the feel of it?
Love the dog sweater! I've been debating knitting one for my DIL's dog (min-pin). She's a chewer though and I'm afraid she'll just eat it!!

Here is what I've been working on the past couple of weeks.

Christmas socks for DIL. The yarn is "Kraemer Sterling silk & silver" in the Tuxedo colorway (63% superwash Merino, 20% Silk, 15% Nylon & 2% Silver). The pattern is 'Spring Forward' Socks found on Ravelry.


Christmas stocking for my granddaughter. This was greyish/brown Shetland roving that I dyed, then spun. There is a pen next to the stocking so you can determine the actual size.


The yarn for this moebius cowl was spun from top that is 50% superwash Merino & 50% Tencil. The colorway is called Sangria. The stitch for this is the faggot stitch (k2tog, yo). I used Cat Bordhi's Moebius cast on to get the half twist in it.


A smaller cowl, using the same pattern as the Spring Forward socks, is also a Moebius. Knitted from my handspun yarn that is 50% superwash Merino & 50% Silk


A pair of mittens for a friend with very long, slender hands and is missing the index finger & thumb from her left hand. This is also using the Spring Forward pattern. Same yarn as smaller cowl.

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Wow you are phenomenal knitters! Here is a pic of my first dishcloth, inspired by this thread. Pretty sad but i liked the yarn a lot. With stretchy yarn I knit so tightly I can barely do it. I should take a class..
That's adorable! Is that Granny's favorite dishcloth?

You're too kind. Yes it is. I have even knit a round one that is even scarier but the pattern was easy so I was able to get through it.

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