I think your stitches look very even.
Especially if you are just starting out.
Look great to me. The yarn is pretty.
That dishcloth will be my first one too. I pick up some Peaches and Cream at walmart for $1.77 in candy cane colors for it. That is the cheapest I have found that yarn. My xmas gift to myself is a set of bamboo interchangebles from HiyaHiya got a great deal on them from kalidoscope yarns. I hope the arrive tomorrow. My other chiaogoos I bought have my pet mat I am working on, I am working on that with acrylic and using it to practice stitches.
that's pretty. Keep up the good work. The old saying practice makes perfect is so true. The important thing is to enjoy what your doing.
I just finished a half a pair of mittens.
I hope the other half comes out better.
The first one is shaped like a bomb pop with a lever on the side.
I just finished a half a pair of mittens.
I hope the other half comes out better.
The first one is shaped like a bomb pop with a lever on the side.

My first 2 pair of mittens were so wonky. I ended up with 4 bath mitts. It was great practice, and now I make nice mittens.

knitting takes sooo long th

Sure does.
I was planning to knit my sons floor pillows for the Christmas, but my son said, "I would love something knit Mom, if you could knit me up a video game". He is not knit worthy. He gets no hand knit floor pillow.​
True Grit, I think that dishcloth is very pretty. I like it a lot.

I think knitting goes faster after you get more experience. Your knitting style makes a lot of difference, too. Some knitting styles are faster than others. I never think of crochet as faster, because most of my crochet work is using thread to make lace items.

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