Youtube has been a fantastic for me. I was taught the basic steps for knitting but seeing as how love to do more and learn more I need help at times and it's not available so I pick a project, start, do what I can then I reference youtube!
There is no difference in the finished product between English (European) and German (Continental). The difference is in which hand you hold your working yarn. With continental, you hold your working yarn in your left hand and 'pick' your stitches. With English, you you hold your working yarn in your right hand and 'throw' your stitches.

Since you crochet, you would probably be more comfortable with the Continental method. Check out Knitting Help for short videos.
Absolutely! I have used youtube to make the chickens for my 2 granddaughters. The pattern is from Fiber Trends and is called "Henrietta & Family". You knit them, felt them, and then stuff them. So cute! When they're completely done (which should be this week) I will submit a picture. Happy New Year to everyone!!!
Hey Ladies (and gents)!

Happy New Year.
Now that the holidays are over & I knit tons for others I feel justified in knitting this for myself:

I made it for myself once already, but while playing a gig it walked off the hook I hung it on & left me there - cold.

Months of work. But, I was never 100% in love with the color. It was still my favorite sweater & I miss it all the time.

I found this color online & read something about the yarn making a big price jump so I ordered it 2 days before it got more expensive.:

I cast on today & I am just head over heels in love with the color. I am also excited because I have gotten to be a much better knitter in the last year and a half since I finished it. I think it will mean that much more to me. I have also decided to embrace the fact that some "favorite" items in my closet have gone missing I can never replace. I am lucky to be able to not only replace my sweater, but improve on it.
What a beautiful sweater! It is going to look great in the color you choose

I've started on a pair of socks for me! (After knitting 8 pairs for others for Christmas!)



A friend bought me a few skeins of sock yarns for Christmas.
What a cute sock! That's such a pretty pattern and cheery yarn.

I love that tilted duster, too. I've never seen that pattern before. I think it's going to look great in the green.
OOh just found the knitting thread. I started knitting last spring after I had my first baby. A neighbor knit him some caps then showed me how. I've only done "beenies", scarves, and washcloths so far. I have to admit I don't know how to read a pattern or do anything fancy yet but I'm addicted none-the-less. My brother got a knit scarf for Christmas and my son and new nephew have more hats than you could shake a stick at. I'm thinking of getting the "Stitch 'n' grump" book to teach me the basics (like making a yarn ball, reading patterns, etc). It's fun to see everyones projects on here. Happy knitting to all in the new year!
Welcome Skunk! Hats are some of my favorite projects. I made 5 last winter, but none yet this year.
Mullerslane that sock is WONDERFUL. I was commissioned to do a pair of socks for someone. In the last week & a half I have been asked to knit special items for 3 people - a pair of socks, a stuffed pig, and a skirt like the one I've already made. I never thought I'd be one of "those" knitters. Now I have 3 deadlines (luckily a ways off, I told them I have to make my sweater first, but the pressure is on now!).

How do you deal with knitting deadlines? I succeeded at my Christmas knitting, but it was the first time I've ever gotten things done by my self imposed due date. I am most nervous about the skirt. The woman owns a shop & keeps asking me to knit some things to sell there. I'm just still not that fast a knitter.

Also, a friend of mine owns this incredibly large wood shop (4 warehouses of HUGE slices of wood...its incredible) and sells most of the woods that Martin, Gibson & Breedlove guitars use in their instruments. After hearing me complain about needles and needle sets (just that one can never have enough of them), he has decided to start making knitting needles & knitting accessories as a side business. He is making entire sets for me to test, and then help market & design. I put - straight needles, DPNs, yarn bowls, drop spindles and small crochet hooks (for those pesky dropped stitches) as my top priorities but he is also looking into circular needles as well. We meet next week to discuss my "role in his newest endeavor" which is also very exciting. I thought my role would be to give him the idea & maybe get a spindle & a few needles out of the deal, but it sounds like I will have a but more to do, if I want to. (And, of course I do.)
Skunk, if you can knit a hat, then you can knit socks! Welcome!!

m.KG, what a wonderful opportunity!!

Deadlines?? I'm semi-retired and am a type of person that needs to keep active. You will always find me either in the gardens, in front of my spinning wheel or behind a pair of knitting needles or crochet hooks.

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