GreenGables I am not sure if it how the image comes through to my computer or not but am I seeing a 'wing' pattern in your stitches? Looks like an interesting angles to the stitches shaping the body.

Peepacheep, the pattern begins making the tail of the chicken horizontally. You then connect a new row veritically to make the body. It's not your computer you actually have a keen eye for detail. The pattern is called "Henrietta and her chicks".
Thank-you Green Gables! I have heard of the Henrietta and her chicks pattern. Ravelry by any chance?

chloezoebob101, I do not know if there is a crochet club on BYC but I crochet and knit. This has been a fun thread to follow. BTW, great user name! Had a very dear house rabbit named ChloeZoe.
Hey knitters! does anyone know of a easy pattern for a stuffed duck? Here's one i found but was just wondering if there were different ones:

Waiting on pins and needles for the arrival of my friend, Lonna Cunningham's, book Just Keep Knitting: a journey of healing through forgiveness, faith, and fibre

Lonna has been an online friend for many a year. She's a spinner & knitter and freely shares her experiences of the fiber arts. The book is more than a pattern book, more than a knitting book. It is an intimate glimpse into Lonna's use of knitting to help her heal.

My printed books should be mailed out tomorrow from Canada ... I can't wait to receive them!!
I need your help!!
I just binded and finished off what I thought was going to be a very pretty soft light purple in color blanket. The throw on the couch kind of blanket. Well after i was thru to my huge disappointment , it looks like a giant persons scarf. I had no pattern that I followed, I was simply just knitting. I used size 17 needles to get to my end result faster. Well I am soooo sad. What did i do wrong? Did I cast on too many rows? I think i casted on 60. not sure. But the yarn feels wonderful but well. like i said, if there were giants, it would be perfect for them.
Im at work, so I cant upload and take a photo. What do you all think?? Yes perhaps the obvious: follow a pattern. Also what can I do with this now? suggestions? thanks in advance!!!

sad knitter.
Annie3001 There may be hope. Did you block your piece after finishing the bind off? I have had throws, scarves, and shawls become gigantic after a 15 minute soak in mild soapy cold water. I do not have fancy blocking wires but after rinsing the soapy water and gently pressing the excess clean water out I lay the wet knitting out on a couple of big towels and gently stretch the piece to the size and shape I want it to be and let it dry. Pieces done in garter stitch can really stretch during blocking. ( I do not know what it is about wet blocking but all 3 of my cats zero in on it as the best place to sleep.) Guide dog trainers have a phrase, 'career changed' for the dogs that don't quite what it takes to be a working guide dog. I have met many of these dogs and they have gone on to be terrific therapy dogs. One option is to career change the piece to a shawl or wrap. Another option is to undo the bind off and keep knitting. Since there is no pattern there is no 'wrong' way to do it. Good luck! Please post pictures when you can!
Thank-you Green Gables! I have heard of the Henrietta and her chicks pattern. Ravelry by any chance?

chloezoebob101, I do not know if there is a crochet club on BYC but I crochet and knit. This has been a fun thread to follow. BTW, great user name! Had a very dear house rabbit named ChloeZoe.

Hi Peepacheep, I bought the pattern from a wool shop. The top of the pattern reads, Fiber Trends and underneath it reads, Henrietta & Family.
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