Nope not with BYC. It is a KnItting association. You get to send in swatchs to be evaluated. They have a basics and a master both very indepth. I was just wondering if anyone here has gone threw them.
I LOVE to knit but unfortunately I only know the basics. I'm trying to learn more.

Like Queenchick said! Just push yourself a little. If it doesn't turn out you can always frog it (is that the right term? I just started knitting this winter, myself.)

My stuff certainly isn't as gorgeous as the stuff here, wow you all are talented! I started with a simple scarf and... got kinda bored. I made a few pairs of slippers (one sans pattern), a felted pair of mittens and some caps (all on double pointed needles). I'm hooked (if I was into crocheting that would be a great pun) and am now knitting a basketweave quilt for a friend's wedding present. Lots of mistakes in the seed stitch on the borders of that but I'm looking at that sort of thing like the cartographer that intentionally puts mistakes in his maps so people will know they're his :) It's my "special mark".

Yeah, I meant to do that, yeah yeah.
I am a tight knitter in recovery.
When I first started knitting I would test for swatch & have to go 3-4 needle sizes smaller than the needles called for.
My Grandmother, and a lot of other knitters, always said to just worry about making the stitches look the same, and knit the way I knit.
When I ignored them & tried to "loosen up" my stitches would look awful, some tight, some loose, the whole thing would be a lumpy mess. So, I listened & just knit the way I knit, and adjusted for gauge.

I have definitely loosened up naturally. I think what helped most with that was doing little projects, and lots of them. Really little things - a set of tiny stuffed animals for a mobile for my friend's daughter, and bunch of little owls, a frog squeak toy, etc.
It just was too hard to do those little things, with all their parts, knitting so tightly.
Time helped most though.

I recently tried to pick up a project I started some years ago & finish it. HA! It was SO TIGHT I couldn't even move the existing stitches along the needles. These days I am knitting to gauge, or one needle off. A huge improvement, and I knit faster.

Good luck. It gets better with time.
I agree with Kitchengirl It will get better over time. Just make sure you check your gauge and adjust accordingly. You'll get the hang of it. I taught myself almost 30 years ago and just kept at it .

Just got a great book yesterday on Brioche knitting (last months block of the month was brioche) can't wait to try a project or two.
This is why I was thinking of doing the Basics course at TKGA. You send in swatches to be evaluated. That way you can learn what you are doing wrong. I have Lucy Neatbys dvds. They are great for learning and getting beyond the basics since I do not have a local teacher. But tension and gauge are something you need a teacher to look over what you are doing. They have a group and Raverly so I have been reading some and looking at what it entails. Seems purty through and many older knitters say the learned alot from the basics even though they had been knitting for years.

Frankly I am tireble at math. Gauge is not something I am getting real easy. But then again I am not knitting any type of clothing yet either.
You should check with the local library or if the school has adult ed. courses or even a church group maybe they have knitting . they are usually very reasonable if not free . You can't imagine how a little one on one will help. good luck with the tkga
This is why I was thinking of doing the Basics course at TKGA. You send in swatches to be evaluated. That way you can learn what you are doing wrong. I have Lucy Neatbys dvds. They are great for learning and getting beyond the basics since I do not have a local teacher. But tension and gauge are something you need a teacher to look over what you are doing. They have a group and Raverly so I have been reading some and looking at what it entails. Seems purty through and many older knitters say the learned alot from the basics even though they had been knitting for years.

Frankly I am tireble at math. Gauge is not something I am getting real easy. But then again I am not knitting any type of clothing yet either.
Good morning all; How's everyone's knitting, flock, garden(if you have one). Well I didn't get to go to the last block of the month (advanced knitting) and when I went to pick up the pattern. It's a challenging one. No instructions just a chart and the first stitch is a yarn over.Finally found a video on You Tube from this English woman demoing it. I must say she has some very good tutorials.I'll have to get the site for any one interested. She teaches every thing. Wish me luck.need to finish it by next month.

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