Here are a few newly finished items. My sister-in-law is having her first child but she lives in Houston, so I didn't want to knit too many warm things. This baby will have plenty of knit toys, though!

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I thought you guys might like to know...big lots sells yarn for 1 dollar per skein..I think that's a great price. The only thing is that it doesn't have the needle size or the number/yarn weight on the back..but otherwise it's great!

I have a question for maybe the more experienced knitters out there.. If you scroll down to "Thumbless Mitten Wristers", that is the pattern I am using.
My question: What does it mean when it says "work back and forth, flat, for 1.25 inches"?
I've only been knitting in the round for a little while, so it may be a silly question.
Thank you! :)
I thought you guys might like to know...big lots sells yarn for 1 dollar per skein..I think that's a great price. The only thing is that it doesn't have the needle size or the number/yarn weight on the back..but otherwise it's great!

I have a question for maybe the more experienced knitters out there.. If you scroll down to "Thumbless Mitten Wristers", that is the pattern I am using.
My question: What does it mean when it says "work back and forth, flat, for 1.25 inches"?
I've only been knitting in the round for a little while, so it may be a silly question.
Thank you! :)
When your work reaches 7 inches stop knitting in the round on the double pointed needles and knit to the end of the row and instead of connecting the last stitch to the first stitch turn and start back in the other direction. Then when you get to where you started turn again. do this for 1 and 1/4 inches. connect you work in the circle and continueto the gloves are done
Ooooh...a thread about my 2 most favorite things, chickens and knitting! I've written a few chicken inspired knitting patterns, like this one.

A typical Saturday morning for me involves a lawn chair, mug of coffee, knitting, and watching my chickens for at least an hour (weather-permitting of course). I have one EE who loves to watch me knit. She always perches on the arm of my chair. I can't wait for spring so I can have more chicken watching knitting time. Does anyone else do this?

so in love with Doodle. My grandson says "doodle doo" when he hears a rooster. OK, he's 18 months old so it's still cute. I ordered both your books. I've been knitting garments so these little critters will be fun to work up! Thanks. Cathie Sue.
I tried to make a chicken bowtie today. It didn't come out like I expected, but I'm going to try and use Seed Stitch on the next one and see if it turns out better.

Here's a pic:


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