Wow, there are some incredible knitters here on BYC. I love to knit too, but I'm not nearly as accomplished as some of you. Just beautiful!
I noticed that many of you knit dishcloths and dishtowels. I haven't done this before but they would be a nice addition to my Christmas baskets, but I'm curious about one thing. I've never used a knit dishcloth or dishtowel. How well do they work? Are they practical? It appears from just a quick check that cotton yarn is what's being used in there projects, right? (I apologize if this question has already been asked/answered. I don't have the time right now to read through all 30+ pages!)
First things first - I'm not stupid, just English

There's been a lot of talk on this thread about Christmas baskets and I'm intrigued - having never heard of them previously... What sorts of things go in them? Are they all hand made?

I'm thinking they might make nice "top up" gifts for my family, but have no clue where to start (other than knitted dish cloths!).

Any explanations (and photos!) would be appreciated

It has become quite popular to put homemade or themed items in a basket as a gift. An example to would be a basket with a bottle of red wine, a jar of homemade pasta sauce, a box of spaghetti, a CD with Italian music. Another would be, hand knitted wash clothes, homemade soap, bath salts, a votive candles. Does that help?
My husband and I started doing Christmas baskets for our families a few years ago because we couldn't stand fighting our way through shopping malls to figure out what "made in China" garbage would make our loved one's happiest, and it also occured to us that everything we were buying was stuff our families could buy themselves if they really wanted it! Since we live in Vermont, and Vermont is loaded with lots of local specialty foods, such as maple syrup, farmstead cheeses, local wines, handmade chocolates, locally roasted coffees etc. we realize that this is something our families can't get where they live, and it's supporting local agriculture and the local economy, and it keeps us from having to travel far to crowded nasty shopping malls and hand all our money over to wealthy corporations that have too much money already. I also like to include something I made myself in there too, when I can. I believe in the UK they're called "hampers"? At least, this is what I got out of my extensive British culture lessons from watching "All Creatures Great and Small"!
I use homemade pickles, sunbuckle cookies,fudge, jams and muffins and put them into christmas themed shopping bags [that I buy at the dollar store]for each of my kids familys much better than buying for 9 kids, their spouses and 17 individual kids...they look forward to all the homemade goodies...they really don't need me to fight my way through Wallyworld for something they really don't need...I also used to make hats mittens scarfs for all when they where little...I have just started making socks so they may make their way into the bag... Homemade is from the heart

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