BYC members in Massachusetts?

Are there an unusual number of hawks and falcons in the area right now? I am in South Plymouth and have never had this may hawk scares. My girls have been swooped at three times in just the past week and the crows are going nuts. Is there a window of time or a season when there are more hawks here? Is just for the fall for migration or is it a fall and winter thing?

Have I asked enough questions yet?

I've been out there with a long scrap of rebar swinging them around like a drunken pitcher at some hawks (not to harm them just to annoy and deter them) and I think one of them was a falcon. It buzzed my hens and then took a chipmunk and flew off.
This is the start of the hawk migration season and you will see them alot in the next few months and then again in the spring coming back. I had one of my girls killed last November by a hawk. So this time of year I only let them out of their screened in predator proof pen while I'm out in the yard with them. Other wise I keep them in the pen our out in a movable tractor pen.
Almost lost one of my Leghorns to one today; I had put them down to range and two minutes later a hawk was swooping 10 feet in front of me.
Just checking in from the BEAUTIFUL Berkshires. The color has started and there was this bright light in the sky today. Anyone have any idea what it was?
Welcome jim
There are quite a lot of people in Mass with chickens. It feels like chicken central in Plymouth...
but that's a good thing.
So this is my guess, but not 100% sure yet. I believe I have 3 BR's (one might be a roo), 1 BO, 3 partridge rocks and 1 white leghorn. A friend of mine got them as a surprise/ practical joke on me. I actually had 26 chicks at one point. I had to home all of them but eight. I really wanted to wait till spring time to get some. The ones that I'm not 100% on is the BO and the barred rocks. The one that I think is a roo is def a barred rock but the other two girls I can't tell if they are BR's or if they are Dominique's. I love them all regardless of there breed. They have such great personalities. My buddies called me the chicken whisperer now, cause every time I go into there run they all come running to me. I feel like Ace Ventura from the movie Pet Detective. HAHA!

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