BYC members in Massachusetts?

Hi JLapaire! I am in your area! I don't have birds yet and will be moving further north, but I am down in the valley until the new year.
Hi Whitejerabias - headed to VT? I just ordered 4 Red Stars and 4 EE from MyPetChicken for early March. Kinda pricey, but don't have to get 25.

Ginny - The Trader Joe's here doesn't sell fertilized eggs. I've been in a jillion times and never seen them, and a friend who works there says they don't.

Thanks masschix for telling me about the MA site. We are new this year to this but it has been fun. Raising 3 NH Reds 3 Golden Commet's and three Buff Orpington's for eggs to see what breed does the best. Next year WE plan to add 2 more runs and add meat chicken's and turkey to the mix.
We have a few turkeys--they harass the marans roosters; my boys run out quick to stop the turkey. I plan to separate the groups to reduce the harassment.

Otherswise the turkeys like to walk me to my car everyday. Makes backing up a very slow event!
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Last night, my town's animal control officer came to my house and asked me how many chickens we got.
He said he has to report/register which houses have how many chickens to states for disease control.
Did anyone hear about this???

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