BYC New Feature Treasure Hunt - WOOT!

Bug report: make the window for 'jump to' larger in the threads with thousands of post it squishes up and is harder to hit.

Bug report: If search is 'too small' there should be a way to display this, "Search too small" instead of "No results" I get results with four letters, no results with three.

Feature: Fixed- "Jump to my BCY page" works, null pages no longer are directed in the HUD (Head's up display under avatar)
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Is the little tabby thing on the different forums to collapse them so like I could make the social forums disappear. If it is its not working for me. Course I am on my phone and lots of stuff doesn't like to work. Lol.
1. Were any of the changes in our buddy lists? I don't look in there often so I am not sure.
2. Was the mark this forum read button there before.

Can we tell I am not a very observant person, normally. Lol
1. Don't think so, but it's possible.

2. Yes
I didn't see this mentioned, but along with the jump to option, I noticed a forward arrow and a back arrow, so you don't have to click page numbers any more. Thanks for that!

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