BYC Performance - How are things now?


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
Okay, we've had some growing pains over the past few days but I think we've got most of them ironed out. It has been a lot of work by mulitple people but I think we've got it nailed down.

Please let me know how the forum is performing.

IF you see a problem with speed, or images not loading, reply with:

1) When you saw the problem (day / time)
2) How long it happened
3) If you saw an error message, copy and paste it here.

Thanks so much!
Seems to be loading great.

However, I'm still having trouble deleting those messages. The error is: Info
Bad HTTP_REFERER. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source. If the problem persists please make sure that 'Base URL' is correctly set in Admin/Options and that you are visiting the forum by navigating to that URL. More information regarding the referrer check can be found in the PunBB documentation.

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Everything seems to running great here -but I really did not mind the slow uploads at times - it gave me a chance to get another cup of coffee or have a potty break and I never felt like I was missing something LOL

Glad to see everything is back to normal ( whatever normal is with this site lol )

It's been much better here! Thanks to everyone who's been working on it!!

p.s....I knew for sure I was addicted the other day when the forum wasn't available the other day for about 15 minutes!!!!
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Those 15 minutes of down time the other day nearly killed me! I thought, what is this, some kind of cruel, twisted joke? There's still fingernail marks on my desk.

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