That's kind of how I do mine. I don't know if there is a special technique or anything but what I do is have my backing fabric at least 4 inches wider and longer than the quilt top. (you should have 2 extra inches all way around) I center my quilt top, do the quilting, tieing, etc, then take the move to the "binding" I fold the 2 inches in half, and in half again. This is then folder over the edge and sewn with a zigzag. I like to use the backing fabric as the binding as I think it pulls it all together.
Easiest way to "sew" a quilt is to "tie" it. You take some embroidy floss threaded on a needle, poke it though all 3 layers of your quilt (from the top to the back, pull is through to the point you have a 3inch tail hanging out from the top, pop your needle back though (back to top), needle back though again, this time pull it tight, back up pulled tight, tie the "tail" to and the thread still on the needle in knot, tie another just to be safe. DONE!---I like to do them at corners so they don't take from the main flow of the quilt.

Sometimes I use buttons to give it an extra little pizzazz. But not for little kids quilts.

ETA----you need to "Baste" all 3 layers together before quilting so they don't all slip and slide as you quilt. You can do this several different ways as well. You can sew a "running" stitch in a GIANT X from one corner of your quilt to the other. Some folks add in a GIANT + from top to bottom and side to side just to be safe.

Me, I use either safety pins every 4inches or so. I stagger them like bricks every other row. Or I use what's called a "basting gun" It shoot those plastic thingies that hold tags on your clothes to hold the layers together.

The reason most folks sew the binding last is sometimes when you "baste" your quilt, it can be a little crooked and as you quilt you work your fabric out to the edges. Yes, you quilt from the middle out.
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Finally got my long arm up and running! The tension got all wonky and the nice lady at the nearest authorized dealer spent an hour on the phone with me fixing it!

I have a quilt started and I hope to get a good amount done tomorrow!

Meet Lillian and the new guest room quilt

Please pardon the mess.
Thanks for the link Terrie, will check it out.

Coyote, been keeping a low stress life so I have to stay away from here as I stress over the fact that I can not do much with sewing and crafting right now. I am doing good getting better slow but sure. Walking a little more each week still can't go far LOL. But I got my 125% bend back by the 6th week so that is great this new knee has already improved my life so much I am kicking myself that I didn't do it 10 years ago, but all in God's time and his time was now, no way could I of put it off.

Weather has been great here, but no gardening for me yet, and I know we got at least one big storm coming.

Thanks again for sharing, love to see all the new and fun projects and hear how you all are doing.
to Terrie!!!!! You know, since you are a Livingston too,, I should get some talent by osmosis through this site darn it!!

-you need to "Baste" all 3 layers together before quilting s

Is that anything like basting a turkey?​
LOL Kate. I think we really should research our genealogy more. From what we talked about already it is way possible we are related.

You can pin baste your quilt.

I lay my backing on a flat surface, lay the batt, then the top. smooth carefully and safety pin about every 4 to 6 inches apart where you don't plan on quilting.

I love my sewing room. It is about 12 x 28 feet and is on the top floor of the house with a small balcony. I can see for miles out the windows. It is supposed to be a bedroom, but the peeps who built it didn't get around to installing one. At our age, a nearby bathroom on the same floor is essential.

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