We started at age 8 with simplicity kids machine and worked our way up with a basic used machine. Now 3 years later she was ready for a real machine. She has been really careful with it and has enjoyed the 'power it gives me to be a fashion designer' she says. LOL
My girls have graduated from using the small machines.

You gave me a good idea for this Christmas, sewing machines for all the girls. And I can make a gift pack to go with them. Something with fabric, tape measure, needles, thread, seam ripper, all the notions you could think of.

Such a cool idea. May even do that for their birthdays.
Thanks MissP
Very good thought! I saw for the Christmas ads, a little sewing machine that is run by hand. Which, I want to start my little one out on....kinda like the old footpedal sewing machines; only you crank this one by hand. I thought the slower pace would get her used to working with a needle.

Anyone have an old footpedal sewing machine? My mom used too, in fact, she sewed with it, till she came up with an electric sewing machine...
If you do...please post pictures.
Anyone have an old footpedal sewing machine? My mom used too, in fact, she sewed with it, till she came up with an electric sewing machine...
If you do...please post pictures.

The one my grandmother had is currently living at my mother's house but hopefully will belong to me one day, an old Singer (I think) foot pedal machine that does actually work..very pretty sewing machine...except for my initials scratched into the top...yes, I was a "BUSY" kid!! My mother has a dining room table with "Dear Santa" etched into it from my pressing too hard with a pencil on my paper, lol!!! ...and no it wasn't last year, lol!!​
When you come visit me someday, maybe you can teach me how to use mine.

I have a new belt for it and what looks like all the parts, but the bullet shaped bobbin case and the threading of the machine has me stumped.

I have practiced withoout a needle and can treadle forwards pretty good and smoothly, though!
Treddling is as soothing as spinning. Once you get a rhythm is really flows.

I am hoping to get enough wool from one of my sheep to have made into quilt batting, terrie.

Dual purpose!
The one my grandmother had is currently living at my mother's house but hopefully will belong to me one day, an old Singer (I think) foot pedal machine that does actually work..very pretty sewing machine...except for my initials scratched into the top...yes, I was a "BUSY" kid!! My mother has a dining room table with "Dear Santa" etched into it from my pressing too hard with a pencil on my paper, lol!!! ...and no it wasn't last year, lol!!

Next time I am over at my Mom's house I'll get a picture. I got my Grandma's rocking chair already but my mother had a fondness for the sewing machine so it lives with her...FOR NOW, lol!!

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