Hey Chevygirlbeth, I live only two counties north of you, do you suppose we're related or that your cousin would adopt me?
What a generous gift!!! Any ONE of those things would be great, but she obviously understands that crafters and quilters are magpies at heart, and what an incredible amount of thought she put into your gifts!

This is what I have my eye on, though I really don't have room to quilt... *sigh* or sew much either, that junky old extra room in the attic would work in the winter, but it's an oven in the summer.... hmmm.

Anyway, I only have one quilt top done right now. And it's been put away for so long... This whole site just contributes to my addictions too much!!!

I just love that sunflower quilt!!!!

Sunflowers are a representation of healing for me with my depression, a starting over sort of thing. A "getting me back" thing.

It's just lovely!
I just had a thought, and I can't,
Thank you Acres of Blessings for the bobbins.
I couldn't remember if I posted that.

And I certainly didn't want to fail to say Thank you.
I am asking for some help and advice.
Our ladies found out I quilt (I apply that term to myself liberally, I consider myself a novice)
Well, I suggested that we use our ladies group, quilt, and sell them as fundraisers...this was well received.
1- they are novice, beginners, and several have never sewn..anything!
2- they got excited...I tried to calm them down...and voted in a star pattern quilt.
(We had a need brought to our attention, and they want to get started right away, and give the profits as a donation)

Anyone have any ideas? A 'simple' star pattern? The pattern?

I have only quilted with my mother...not a large group. Completely open to suggestions on that as well.
I'm going to divide the pattern pieces amongst us, then we will meet at the church to bind it and quilt it.
Lol... I don't know of any relatives up that way, but I do have a BIG family, so it's possible you could be related somehow! If not, we can pretend!
My cousin is awesome... she's crafty, too, so she completely understands.
Here we are with the quilt frame (she wrapped it with garbage bags and duct tape. lol. I still haven't really unwrapped it since we're moving soon.)

I hope you get your quilt frame some day!

You gotta watch out around here... everyone is really good at fueling your current crafty addictions and adding new ones!!!
Parson's Wife :

Anyone have any ideas? A 'simple' star pattern? The pattern?

The first block I ever attempted is a double friendship star. It wasn't overly complicated and I think it is really pretty.
Here is a link to the pattern if you want to check it out.

Another one that is pretty, but not too hard is the Ohio star .

There are probably others, but those are two that I have often used.
Parson's Wife :

I am asking for some help and advice.
Our ladies found out I quilt (I apply that term to myself liberally, I consider myself a novice)
Well, I suggested that we use our ladies group, quilt, and sell them as fundraisers...this was well received.
1- they are novice, beginners, and several have never sewn..anything!
2- they got excited...I tried to calm them down...and voted in a star pattern quilt.
(We had a need brought to our attention, and they want to get started right away, and give the profits as a donation)

Anyone have any ideas? A 'simple' star pattern? The pattern?

I have only quilted with my mother...not a large group. Completely open to suggestions on that as well.
I'm going to divide the pattern pieces amongst us, then we will meet at the church to bind it and quilt it.

Okay here are three links to Star quilt patterns. All three look easy to make, although you might have to make some adjustments for whatever size quilt you are making.
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