BYC Spring 2009 Quilt Block Swap Signups CLOSED BLOCKS IN MAIL 4/17

Hey all glad to see that more have joined, already up to 15, might make that 20 yet.

Everyone is doing great, love that fabric with the chicks and pups, who ever did that design never seen a dog loose in the chicken yard LOL. Makes for a nice fabric, can I ask where you found it.
Patches, that fabric is sooo pretty!!!! I see I have more blocks to make, lol!!!! Good thing I have a head start!!!
I'm in,

Now I need to go back and see what I need to do. I've been waiting forever for this. Spring is coming. TG

Ok now that I read everything I'm going to do a block called, Card Trick. I think, if I change my mind I will let you know. You can find it here they have a lot of 12" blocks. Will you PM or email everyone who is going to do this with your address on where to send them? I PM you with my email address and something else I remember about the last time we did this.
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You still got 44 days as it isn't due to be to Amy till March 21th. Ya know you will be kicking yourself if you don't say yes.

Edited to put March 21st as I had March 20th. That means 44 days left so that is plenty of time to do 1 block a day and have mailing time.
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You still got 44 days as it isn't due to be to Amy till March 21th. Ya know you will be kicking yourself if you don't say yes.

Edited to put March 21st as I had March 20th. That means 44 days left so that is plenty of time to do 1 block a day and have mailing time.

Awww come on can you pass up all these great blocks? Ready made quilt almost!!!! Say know it's killing you not to!!!
Scrambled Egg, I really love that square. I hope you do it and I can't wait to see it.

I'm too much of a newbie to get that one figured out!!! Hopefully it will be one I can learn to do but not for this swap..feel free, I'd love to see it worked up

Thank you for posting the link to that website! It has a bunch of great patterns on it.

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