BYC Spring 2009 Quilt Block Swap Signups CLOSED BLOCKS IN MAIL 4/17

So if I understand this correctly we would have to make a block for each person that signed up for this correct? I'll bite and sign up for it.
Fr Chuck,
Yes, you are correct. Make 1 block for each person on the signup list.

Adding you to the list now!! YAY!
Ditto that & PW!!!!
Guess I have a few more blocks to make!!
That's not even the final number! LOL! Sign-ups don't close until the 10th!

You are right! That is a lot of blocks to make! I have bought my fabric and have now picked out the pattern for the block I'm going to do. Hopefully I will be able to get started tonight or tomorrow on them. Good thing I bought so much fabric!
You know I was thinking, look out. Maybe the next time we do this we could pick a pattern, a simple one that everyone would be ok with doing and have the same pattern with everyone’s different fabrics. What does everyone think about that?
Ginbart that sounds good, someone else picks the pattern. That would be great for me!!!! I'm a little indecisive sometimes.

But 1st things 1st, I need to get these blocks done 1st:th

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