BYC Survey - Trying to better understand our users!

Nope, you should only get it once. Did you change computers, browsers, delete your cookies or anything else?

I've gotten it 4 or 5 times. Guess it's not so random or it's super random, depending on your point of view.
And no changes to the computer.

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Do you have your system set to delete cookies at shutdown? That would do it.

Yes, but I only shut down the computer once every few months. And it happen 3 times one night, twice the next, just a few minutes apart. Everytime it was very late around midnight.
pick me pick me!
I love taking surveys.
I got the survey. :yesss:
It's a good one! You probably got some rather unorthodox answers from me. Sorry. :p
Hang on a second, is it normal for it to appear more than once to the same user? I just got it again!

Oh okay, I just read the previous page. It might be because I'm on a different computer.
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