Announcement BYC Updated - Post Questions, Concerns, Issues, & Praise Here!

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I fixed the treat article! Let me know if it looks better now.
It looks good!
Please do share. I can’t tell if I’ve been or not.
I don't think you ever got any warnings, you're lucky :p
Also is the save draft feature gone? Cause I can’t seem to find the icon for it anymore. :hit
It's still there.
But, we might use the angry face because a predator has harrassed or attacked someone's chickens. We might be trying to add to their score. I would never use the angry face because I didn't like what someone said. I just wouldn't say anything and move on. This is a non-combattive site for me, and that's why it's the only one I'm on. I really hope that doesn't encourage arguments.
I agree wholeheartedly.
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