Caecal poop or what?


Aug 1, 2020
How often do chickens normally do a caecal poop?

I don't know if it's because I've got more chickens than usual at the moment (about 20 and some are maturing), but I've noticed a lot more smelly wet orangey mustardy coloured poops around. No bloody ones. I can't know who did what as they all free range.

They look like caecal poops to me, but I want to make sure they don't need to be treated for anything.

All the flock are fit and healthy except for one young cockerel who has developed paralysed legs (cause unknown) and he is isolated and being treated for vitamin deficiency and showing some slow improvements. He has also done some of the poops described above, but he is eating a lot of scrambled egg so I figure that will change his poop.

The flock are fed on growers pellets as their staple food with a little mixed corn/wheat as a treat (not every day), fruit/veg scraps when available, and they forage garden greens and insects etc.
I forgot to say, they have all been on medicated chick starter on and off through the summer as various hatches of chicks have joined the flock. That stopped about 4 or 5 weeks ago

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