Cage Birds Events

Kramer Farms

11 Years
Apr 13, 2008
Wichita on Nov. 2nd
Sedgwick County 4-H building.

Oklahoma City on Nov. 16th
As I find out more I'll post it.

I may be at these events, still not sure, but if you need some birds or cages or feed or anything, just let me know and I'll see what I can do for you.
Nov. 2nd
Wichita, Ks
9:00- 2:30
Sedgwick county 4-h building

Bringing new cages, feed, supplies

Also bringing a variety of finches, parakeets, button quail and doves. Possibly some green cheek conures, and other conures.

If your looking for something let me know and I can see if I have it or could get it for you.

Also still have the pair of silver bahama pintail for $115 for the pair.
Last edited:
Del City, Ok

Coming to the Oklahoma City area

A good chance that we'll be coming that way. Put in your orders to make sure it gets there.

orange-cheek waxbills, bronze-wing manikins, spice finches, canaries, lovebirds, solid colored parakeets, regular parakeets, ringneck doves, button quail, diamond doves, japanese laying quail (coturnix quail), zebra doves, peruvian yellow billed ground doves, java rice finches, zebra finches, orange weavers, and other birds just ask.

Don't forget about the new cages and all of your supplies and feed.

Could also bring along a pair of silver bahama pintail ducks $115 pr.
This Sunday is the birdmart.

Can now bring 2 pair of ring teal and a trio of silver pheasants.

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