California-Inland Empire

From the Crazy H-Bar Ranch and Hatchery;
The breeding project is well underway and we have a large surplus of babies and 5 week old quails. So I'm looking for people who want quail babies, 5 week old birds, breeding quads or birds for processing...We have Pharaohs, Tibetans, Golden A&Ms, and Tuxedos.
We have Pharaoh and Tibetan babies for $3 adults $5 each, Golden A&M babies $5 adults $8 each, Tuxedo babies $8 adults $10 each. As always, discounts for buying in numbers.
Located in So. Cal. Lake Elsinore area.
Hi there, I have a buff orpington, barred cochin, welsumer, black austrolorp, gold laced wyandotte, and an ameraucana. I really hope they are all girls, but am starting to think at least the black austrolorp maybe a rooster! It makes me sad because we can't keep a rooster. I met a lady at tractor supply that is realtor and owns a ranch in Menifee and she said she would be happy to take any of my chicks that turn out to be roosters. I really hope they are hens though! Eggs will be going to my neighbors for sure! So nice to have peeps to talk to about chickens!
Don't forget your local Fire Station. The Fire Fighters pay for their own food and really appreciate donations of eggs. Gotta luv those Firemen! -DB

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