California - Northern


I though of you today when I read an article about Rickets making a comeback. Vitamin deficency because we do not give kids milk and let them play in the sun anymore.

Wow! That is scary. Several people I know of, including myself, had very low Vitamin D levels...... I wonder if lack of Vitamin D also contributes to brittle bones as you age or Osteoporosis? My level was checked just by chance, because most doctors don't even think to check it since Rickets had disappeared.
Wow! That is scary. Several people I know of, including myself, had very low Vitamin D levels...... I wonder if lack of Vitamin D also contributes to brittle bones as you age or Osteoporosis? My level was checked just by chance, because most doctors don't even think to check it since Rickets had disappeared.
Children get rickets. Adults have a lot of other problems. My Vit D level was 18. 13 is where problems start. I got it backup to 45 and take 2000 iu a day to keep it there.

It is very important for strong bones and has been proven for that.
Children get rickets. Adults have a lot of other problems. My Vit D level was 18. 13 is where problems start. I got it backup to 45 and take 2000 iu a day to keep it there.

It is very important for strong bones and has been proven for that.
Yeah I was at 10.....No bueno. Since I am terrible at taking supplements, on doctors orders, I would take about 60,000 IU's once a week on Sundays. Since it is fat soluble, it is kind of okay to do that. It seemed to help since it went back up. I had been trying to take the 2000 ius a day for about 9 months and it only went up to 13, but one I changed to the other way, it responded. Last time I checked I was at 32. BUT, it makes me wonder about my daughter.
Yeah I was at 10.....No bueno. Since I am terrible at taking supplements, on doctors orders, I would take about 60,000 IU's once a week on Sundays. Since it is fat soluble, it is kind of okay to do that. It seemed to help since it went back up. I had been trying to take the 2000 ius a day for about 9 months and it only went up to 13, but one I changed to the other way, it responded. Last time I checked I was at 32. BUT, it makes me wonder about my daughter.
I worry about my Daughters too. We have demonized milk, but the kids getting rickets apparently do not drink milk. They should drink some milk. It also helps to feed them eggs from our back yard since it has more Vit D in it than store eggs. Most of us are low in Vit K2 also but there is no test for it. Backyard eggs have a lot of that too.

Also, let them go out into the sun for a bit without sunscreen. It only takes 15 min. or so and then put on the sunscreen. We are meant to get sunlight and that is the best way to get vit. D.
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Wow! That is scary. Several people I know of, including myself, had very low Vitamin D levels...... I wonder if lack of Vitamin D also contributes to brittle bones as you age or Osteoporosis? My level was checked just by chance, because most doctors don't even think to check it since Rickets had disappeared.
When I lived in Oregon I had mine tested because of some intense fatigue I was dealing with and my levels were "critically low", enough that they had me come in for shots to get it up immediately. They make some delicious lemon gummies with Vit D :)
I worry about my Daughters too. We have demonized milk, but the kids getting rickets apparently do not drink milk. They should drink some milk. It also helps to feed them eggs from our back yard since it has more Vit D in it than store eggs. Most of us are low in Vit K2 also but there is no test for it. Backyard eggs have a lot of that too.

Also, let them go out into the sun for a bit without sunscreen. It only takes 15 min. or so and then put on the sunscreen. We are meant to get sunlight and that is the best way to get vit. D.
I am one of those evil parents who refuse to use the sunscreen because of all the chemicals in it. People give me the strangest looks when I tell them not to lube her up at school water play days. You would think I grew a pair of horns. Funny enough she never ever burns, even after being in the sun all day. That might be because her daddy is latin and she turns into a brown berry in the summer.

Oh, uhhhh demonized milk? lol Anyway, my doctor said that I would have to be naked in the sun all day long and not take a shower for 24 hours in order to get enough Vitamin D to start to replace my deficiency. I am thankful there are supplements, because dang. Walking around nekkid all day in the sun is just not on my list of top 10's. Unless I am at a tropical paradise somewhere.....:)
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When I lived in Oregon I had mine tested because of some intense fatigue I was dealing with and my levels were "critically low", enough that they had me come in for shots to get it up immediately. They make some delicious lemon gummies with Vit D :)
Lemon Gummies..... Yummy..... maybe I will slip a couple to my daughter.....
I am one of those evil parents who refuse to use the sunscreen because of all the chemicals in it. People give me the strangest looks when I tell them not to lube her up at school water play days. You would think I grew a pair of horns. Funny enough she never ever burns, even after being in the sun all day. That might be because her daddy is latin and she turns into a brown berry in the summer.
The Sunscreens had to be reformulated because they caused skin cancer.

Apparently, sitting under a tree or getting out of the direct sun is enough protection.
It looks like the Unofficial poll is even between canine and Cat.

I hope whatever it is stays away now.

gotta say, dogs/canids don't tend to leave puncture wounds, they tend to tear -- nor do they focus on the throat the way felids do. speaking from wildlife ecology perspective rather than lots of chicken experience, though.

hope it was a one-time thing!

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