California - Northern

power still out at home, but i'm down on campus to charge up my phone and do a few things -- still crazily gusty up on Sonoma Mtn, although last night was the worst, wind was definitely up in the 60+ range. and here's the tree that came down last night:

happily the heavy trunk section missed hitting the carport roof by about a foot, so there's just branches resting on the roof, doesn't seem to have done any damage, at least not that i can see -- but am going to have to borrow a chainsaw or hire some guys to get it moved. just glad it didn't squash anything!

and the coops are coming through the wind just fine, only one plastic roof panel got bent by the wind, and i was able to snap it back into place. the almost-3-week-old chicks are mad, though, as their EcoGlow is off (no power) -- but i think they can keep each other warm just fine, as the temps are pretty mild.
wow Laura, that is a little too close for comfort. Glad it missed your home.
We hit 65+ gusts.. many people had trees fall through the roof. My neighbor lost her gutter ad we rescued the spa cover. she will just have to clean it. It was trash pick up all morning before the dump truck got there. I lost some roof tiles, and stuff is relocated. I am surprised my one makeshift chicken shelter was still there. The kids slept on the couch :p
Wow...that's really scary! We didn't have them nearly that high. Right now we just have a light breeze, but they say they will pick back up later today here. I don't think they went over about 35-40 here.
Hope everyone survived the winds yesterday, but it sounds like we are in for more today! I am not seeing much blown around here, but we tried to secure everything before hand. Had all the leaves in the yard picked up on Monday and by Wednesday you couldn't even tell! I hope these winds at least blow them ALL out of the trees so we are done with them! LOL I was able to get 2 beautiful new girls this week from one of the wonderful members on the group. The older hen The pullet (the one in the front) The rooster I am trying to find a home for has not acted like a rooster at all until I put these 2 in the pen. He decided he was going to make sure they new who was in charge and immediately gave them each a quick grab. I threw him out of the pen for the day and the new girls got along just fine with everyone else. I left the roo out overnight and heard him try to crow the next morning! I suspect the older hens have convinced him he is low man on the pecking order so when he is in with them he is submissive. I put him back in the pen and now he is leaving everyone alone again (including the new ones)and I have not heard him crow again. Looking forward to my first blue and blue green eggs! :celebrate
Very pretty girls, forgot to mention that on the other thread. Is the first one Buff?
ok, lets see if these will load this morning. I wish I took better pictures...

new countertops!

close up of granite

pink green and black turmaline and ( I think) silver mica in a granite base.

bad celery!
Where did you get your granite from? It is really pretty. Where is the butcher block going to be? I am looking at a kitchen redo, obviously but need to keep costs lower. I am in one of those OLD houses where the floor isn't exactly perfectly flat any longer. It tends to slope in some areas although the foundation is still good. That is what I get for getting a house that was built around 1910.

I don't see any kitties in this picture either......
So it has been weird bird week here in our city! 2 days ago, we were driving on a busy street here and I caught site of a big bird sitting on a fence. We have both wandering peacocks and wild turkeys in our town so I thought it must be a hen from one of those flocks. After a closer look, we could see that it was a guinea and there were 4 or 5 more on the roof right above it. I don't know how someone in town could have a flock of guineas and have happy neighbors!

Yesterday, we were driving down a different busy street and there were 25-30 (yep, counted them) big black birds circling high up in the sky. We do have quite a few turkey vultures including a large flock that roosts in some tall trees a few miles from us. I had Monet look for their featherless heads while I drove. Nope, they all had feathers on their heads. So, crows or ravens? They were big for crows but I don't know if we have ravens around here. Wildlife abounds in the suburbs!
Apparently there are places where a lot of Critters are moving into the cities. In California new housing has a requirement to set aside space to mitigate the loss of free space. These include green zones and land purchased to make wet zones. We will see more wild life moving into those areas.

My Oldest Daughter cooked a Guinea last summer. Time to
round some up for a Guinea hen roast!
Thank you, ChrissyR.......That hen has been worth her weight in gold! She goes broody pretty easily and has raised all the chicks I have bought or hatched. AND she is my favorite! She was hatched around June 2012 so I expect her to be around for awhile....
I love the blues too! Pretty hen and so nice to have a reliable broody!

Glad you are happy with the girls
I am thrilled that they went to such a good home!

I am enjoying watching chicks hatch this morning. Of the 12 golden cuckoo Marans eggs I set, so far 7 have hatched. 5 girls and 2 boys. For coming from pullet eggs, these chicks are huge! I will post pictures when they have all hatched and are in the brooder. They are such pretty chicks!

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