California - Northern

ok, i think i got the video of the babies eating mealworms. Around the 8 second mark is their little tug of war. The brown chick (Jubilee x) i have to watch. She(hoping) will sit there and eat it all up.
Very cute! Ill have babies in 3 weeks can't wait. I missed having babies around. But I've been very busy with my 3 human babies lol
Oooh I hope we get snow!! Fully grown chickens ( 8 in a 4'x4' coop) don't need ANY kind of heat supplement right? I've read that they don't and it will only hurt in the long run? It's gonna get down in to the 20's next week at night.
They will be fine. even my Spanish birds did fine last year when we had snow and cold temps.

not sure why they are sideways lol

Here's what I put together for this question.. its is highly simplified though because I didn't want to try and figure out all the brown egg genes. I THINK there are 8 - there may be more. If somebody knows it is different let me know and I will change that.

What you get in the next generation depends on what they carry exactly - and you can't see what the boys carry. If your EE roo carries only one blue egg gene then you will get brown or green instead of green and blue.

If you can get two blue egg genes back in all birds then all their eggs would be green. Test breeding to a white egg layer will show if you got everything correct. White is recessive to everything....
nice simple chart
Here's what I put together for this question.. its is highly simplified though because I didn't want to try and figure out all the brown egg genes. I THINK there are 8 - there may be more. If somebody knows it is different let me know and I will change that. What you get in the next generation depends on what they carry exactly - and you can't see what the boys carry. If your EE roo carries only one blue egg gene then you will get brown or green instead of green and blue. If you can get two blue egg genes back in all birds then all their eggs would be green. Test breeding to a white egg layer will show if you got everything correct. White is recessive to everything....
Thank you very much for your comment and the chart! Helps a lot :)
You are welcome.  I started making these visual diagrams with the B/B/S one that was posted on BYC that I modified to show the number of Blue genes in each bird and I have made a few others.  My mother is a visual learner and I find that seeing pictures helps me remember them better.
I would love to have the b/b/s one as well! I am not a generics person and visual is better for me as well
Does anyone here ship chicks? I'm going to start shipping 2-3 week old chicks and was wondering about what kind of heat pack to give them? What do you use?

Are you sure that is legal? Iirc you can do day Olds because they are still living on the youlk. After that they have to be feathered in or 4??? Weeks or older?

I may be wrong but the shipping rules were weird. Also if you are doing shipping of chicks get npip. They pay much more attention to chicks and you'll get caught sson enough if you do it illegally.

I have only ever received dead chicks via the mail so I have only shipped juvie cause I'm parinoid.

Just strutting should know more.
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Does anyone here ship chicks? I'm going to start shipping 2-3 week old chicks and was wondering about what kind of heat pack to give them? What do you use?

Are you sure that is legal? Iirc you can do day Olds because they are still living on the youlk. After that they have to be feathered in or 4??? Weeks or older?

I may be wrong but the shipping rules were weird. Also if you are doing shipping of chicks get npip. They pay much more attention to chicks and you'll get caught sson enough if you do it illegally.

I have only ever received dead chicks via the mail so I have only shipped juvie cause I'm parinoid.

Just strutting should know more.

Look it up. The rules change after 3 old and it is much more expensive.

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