California - Northern

The picture in the above post is from about an hour ago. Here are a couple pics from five days ago when I got them.They grow so fast!

Quote: Unfortunately, I am kidding...something that nice would take up half my backyard. I really do need to think about getting a bigger coop though. My husband would kill me though. He put a great deal of effort into building the one we have to my specifications. He is easily frustrated with projects and doesn't take the time to "Measure twice, cut once". He would not appreciate me replacing his hard work.....yet.
I had a broody hatch last summer and there were 2 banty chicks in that clutch. The broody raised them and they all did fine together. In fact, one of those chicks is now laying and has gone broody. IF the hatch is staggered the broody abandoning still might be an issue though. I had one clutch that I let the broody hatch some and the did some in the bator. The bator chicks hatched first and I just added them to her clutch after the broody eggs hatched and they all did fine too...

Thanks for sharing that. I think I will bring the littles inside and reintroduce like you did after the others hatch.

On the topic of Marans, I'm getting 6 tomorrow! The family is going outta town and doesn't want to hire a chick sitter and they're coming through sac so I get $5 black copper Maran chicks!

Now I don't know whether you are teasing me or not. All the eyebrows are WAY up. Rules? We have rules? If so, I'm probably breaking them right and left. I tend to discover them after I've committed the faux pas.
We aren't supposed to talk on the forums about other chicken related sites. Not sure what happens when we do though
CbarJ Feed off 32. The get chicks in every Thursday starting last week.

Ahhh! That is where I got my first chicks. I did end up with some roosters from them, so just be aware. They are usually supposed to be 95% pullets but they are hatchery chicks so they just get what is shipped to them. Some places will buy the roosters back, but I rehomed mine. If you get any from Northern Star Mills, be sure to ask for someone who really knows the chicks. I thought I was getting Buff Orphintons and ended up with red Sex Links. My favorite place to get chicks is Wilbur's. Are you allowed to have roosters where you are?
Unfortunately, I am kidding...something that nice would take up half my backyard.   I really do need to think about getting a bigger coop though.  My husband would kill me though.  He put a great deal of effort into building the one we have to my specifications.  He is easily frustrated with projects and doesn't take the time to "Measure twice, cut once".    He would not appreciate me replacing his hard work.....yet.

You can always have two coops!?!?!?!

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