California - Northern

I don't have the experience in numbers that you all do. But, I have raised 5 batches of chicks over the past year. I started using the disposable puppy wee pads in the brooder for two reasons: it eliminated pasty butt (because there were no shavings to eat) and it kept them from having spraddle leg because the had traction and didn't slip. Also, it soaked up the water when the rascals discovered how much fun it was to make a mess instead of drink.
hmm will have to try this.
I switch to bedding usually at day 3. I normally put shavings down with the paper towels above. Never really had a problem but like the idea since it absorbs water
I checked the others dominiques and they are doing okay same with the rest of the birds. the silkie with the bandaid brace is walking on his own (with the brace on) and hes eating and drinking on his own.
I was trying to hold the little guy to try and calm him down. i hope i dont lose anymore i hate when they die
Lovin this rain!

Look what I found eeek I hope the rainfall keeps coming.


That's Folsom above Sac
Idk prolly. i dont think it ate a piece of the bedding. what do i do? just let him die? I got him out of the broodet away from the others but hes just laying here with his eyes closed and kicking a little while gasping
I'm so sorry, but what you are describing are often the signs that the dying process has started.

Thank you Karen!! I didn't want to bug you...AGAIN.

What are the pros and cons of each? Which one should I try first?

I had immediate response from Craigslist with lots of information & especially if it was near a week end when working people are free to browse.
You are not bugging me. I told you that you are welcomed anytime.
Today I am going to Mt.View Feed & Seed to buy a bag of re cleaned oats. I have been sprouting barley for some time now but Denny uses sprouted oats for her hens to increase egg size. Denny (Lotsapaints) from Paso Robles is my feed Guru.....LOL I am happy with my egg size but want to give it a try. Sprouting has been great fun for me & I have tried several grains & legumes. They loved the lentils.
I know someone just said they had ordered from Boggy Bottom but I can't find the post now. I'm wondering how the eggs did, they have silver phoenix available, the d'anver are tempting also, OK I admit it, they are all tempting.
How comfortable are you with CL people?

I have had good experiences with them. Maybe "chicken lovers" are just good people....................... I don't usually have them into my home but just to the incubator, brooders or outside. A lot of times they bring their children along & I have had them come from quite a distance sometimes. We have more than one family & home here on the property & some of us are always around. We do have cameras & an alarm system but have had no trouble. Years ago there was a rash of burglaries & we installed the surveillance system but never had anything happen. As I said there is always someone around & we are retired so have no set schedule.

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