California - Northern

The don't need the height as much as the length because they like a darker spot.  They also like to go in frontwards and turn around.  You are on the right track, perhaps just overcompensating in size - the idea is just to make the nest box deep enough they feel safe going into it.  That doesn't have to be huge either.  We use 5 gal buckets with great results.  We also have a couple of those square cat litter buckets from my mom.  Those are a good size too.   Neither is over 1' high or wide but both are longer.  What is a 5 gal bucket?  16 - 18" high?  Those work better for us than our shallow nest boxes in the Swede pen.

On a funny note, we have EO Basque and the hens are a nice size, bigger than Rocks but smaller than Brahma's or Sussex.  Kind of like a hatchery RIR.  The other day there were 2 in a square kitty litter bucket.  I was cracking up watching the jostling inside that bucket!  They'll go in an incredibly small space if they feel like it is safe.

That does sound hilarious! Thanks for the nest box advice - I'll keep it at 12" high so it will be cozy.
Thank you! I am kind of proud of it.
I did it pretty much alone except for some help with cutting that required 2 people. They are so much happier and even quieter in this. I would love to see pictures of the feeder/waterer setup you have. They are constantly filling the feeder with shavings...which is even worse when they are eating fermented feed. The shavings really get stuck in it. I did put legs on the standard trought feeder to elevate it and it has helped, but they are getting bigger so I may have to go higher. I am planning a bucket waterer of some sort, but haven't really planned it out yet. I amd trying figure out to get the pipes thru the wire top and not have to have the lid lifted up. I was thinking if using 1/2 PVC and it may fit thru the bigger wires. I have 2 of thre pkug in nipples. I really have to do something...I am having to fill the standard 1 gallon waterer 3 times a day because they get shavings in it too. Any pictures would be a great help. I don't have a hose over on that sidre so will have to carry a bucket to fill the one that wil be in place

Vicki I PMd you..............
You could bring PVC pipe through a hole in the box.

You could also elevate the trough feeder and attach afix it to the side of the box. I would try and find some of those old slotted "L" bracket shelving strips and attach those to the sides of the box.
You could then use it as an adjustable shelf for the trough feeder. You could even do something similar with wooden dowels and holes.

Something like that. you could use clamps or something on the outside to ensure the dowels are not pulled into the box

A couple rows of vertical holes would allow you to move the shelf up and down depending on the size of the chicks.
You could use screws through the bottom of the trough to fix the feeder to the shelf.

to me the more I can attach to the walls of the brooder and give them more "running" room the better. You can also make a slanted guard over the trough feeder to discourage roosting on the feeder shelf.

Good ideas Chris. That is a good thing about these boards. Such a good exchange of different ideas to deal with all the little problems that we encounter.
That's why i have these zebra doves. I grew up in Hawai'i & it's magical to me to hear their call in the mornings outside the bedroom window. This 1st hatchling is deep icing on the cake.
I started with ringnecks and have progressed to diamond doves & asian dwarf turtle doves, as well as zebras. In the past I've had emerald spots, australian crested, nicobars, & red turtle doves. My favs are the smaller ground doves - they seems less flighty than other kinds. One day i hope to have croaking ground doves (Columbina cruziana).

Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy goodness Lisa........... How very interesting.....I too love the coo of a dove.
I'm looking for a couple jersey giants. I live in California. Near Yosemite. Can anyone help? I don't want to order 25 as I am pretty full up on chickens now. Lol.
Well I guess I had better get on the meal worm farm soon because the silly chickens thought that was why I was in the run last night.

The Buffs are great lap chickens and when the "bullying" got too much they retreated to my daughters lap then looked around imperiously like they didn't have a care in the world. I think the Dels are getting used to them more. I think the Buffs bring some of it on themselves because they cower or flee whenever a big chicken comes near even if the biggie isn't even interested in them.

Ive been tempted to put the buffs in the hen house with them in the evening. It seems that they all go to bed right around dusk.

I think Ive figured out why Verna is so much larger than the others. It seems she decided she would rather eat than play around with the buffs or anything else. Everytime I was looking for her she was at the feeder. Several times she was all alone eating and seemed to not even want to go to bed without that last snack. She even snuck into the Buffs run and was eating their food.
Good ideas Chris. That is a good thing about these boards. Such a good exchange of different ideas to deal with all the little problems that we encounter.

Thinking a bit more about this you could do something similar with a couple of hex bolts through a 2" PVC pipe. You could use washers inside and out an butterfly nuts on the outside.

Just cap the ends and cut about a third of the pipe away to open it up for feeding. Im thinking I'm going to do this instead of the shelf. Since I wont be using fermented feed in it I can also use a "T" junction in the middle and extend a pipe outside the brooder to fill it with.
That does sound hilarious! Thanks for the nest box advice - I'll keep it at 12" high so it will be cozy.
I have an assortment of different nest boxes. We have 6 built into one side of the coop. They are big and spacious with lots of head room. They are a favorite with broody hens! With the smaller coop that we just built, I just put a wooden wine box in the corner. The girls love it! I also have 2 wine boxes in the run in the area underneath the coop and 1 in the coop itself on the opposite side of the 6 nest boxes. I just added that one and the girls have decided that they like it. I found 6 blue eggs in it yesterday! In our outdoor broody/chick growout pen, I have a plastic bin with a lid and one side mostly open that I bought when our Orchard went out of business. I've seen them online for a little more money. It works great for a broody mama and her babies.

We have also built nest boxes with slanted roofs to go in our hoop coops at the barn and on occasion used cardboard boxes from Costco. My girls don't seem to be too picky and they are always changing their favorite egg laying spot. Of course, they all seem to want to lay in the same box at the same time. Yesterday, there were 2 hens in a wooden wine box with another one waiting just outside it and a 4th complaining loudly that it was her turn!

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