California - Northern

They seem to be! I did take out the BCM chick to remove the shell and "glue" type stuff stuck to it as it was definitely covering the vent. Ran it under warm water and gently peeled it off once it was loose, then towel dried the chick and quickly put it back in the warm incubator. There was no way the shell was coming off as it fluffed out, it was pretty fluffy but the shell was pretty much superglued over its vent.
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Just watched the zipped chick hatch! Saw that the membrane was totally broken so I didn't take my eyes off it, and sure enough within just a minute or two it gave a couple big pushes and was out of the shell. What a neat thing to see!
They seem to be! I did take out the BCM chick to remove the shell and "glue" type stuff stuck to it as it was definitely covering the vent. Ran it under warm water and gently peeled it off once it was loose, then towel dried the chick and quickly put it back in the warm incubator. There was no way the shell was coming off as it fluffed out, it was pretty fluffy but the shell was pretty much superglued over its vent.

That could be because it is a Marans. They can be boogers to hatch because of the size and bloom on the eggs. Good Job hatching them.
Hello everyone!, I am so excited to see so many chicken people in my neck of the woods and I can't wait to become part of the community! I've been living in Davis for 4 years and just decided to go native: learning to ride a bike, joined the co-op and added some beautiful orpington ladies to the family. How did everyone hold up in this heat? We sweated it out but the hot wind was pretty brutal

The heat was bad!

The chickens made it with misters and shade.
So I've Finally caught up on the 400+ posts that I missed while camping...

@BCollie So glad to hear all your girls are better and the tests were negative. And Congrats on the first hatch!

@PetRock your Langshans are beautiful!

@JDXX and your Blues!!!
Soo in love! ...and I was just over in your neck of the woods! Maybe next time we head that way I could pick up some hatching eggs?
To everyone else I missed... Welcome! Awesome coops! Sorry about the losses. And Yea for new fuzzy butts!

and now the hard decisions...What to fill the incubator with for my first time!!!!
Thinking local pickup (within 2 hrs of Chico), good dual purpose (for those hard-to-home roos) and/or Cute and Adorable! Will most likely only be able to keep 1-3 but don't want all meaties because I KNOW my daughter will fall in love with our first hatch (ok, ok... I will too...
) PapaBrooder has some beautiful BBS and Lavender Orps (huge sucker for blues) or...SUGGESTIONS?

@Kaylish Thank you, we think they are super cool too!!!! Certainly check with me when you come back over this way, we always have something going on.
I now live in Waco Texas I am from Taft calif. And Taft is northern cal

So I've Finally caught up on the 400+ posts that I missed while camping...

@BCollie So glad to hear all your girls are better and the tests were negative. And Congrats on the first hatch!

@PetRock your Langshans are beautiful!

@JDXX and your Blues!!!
Soo in love! ...and I was just over in your neck of the woods! Maybe next time we head that way I could pick up some hatching eggs?
To everyone else I missed... Welcome! Awesome coops! Sorry about the losses. And Yea for new fuzzy butts!

and now the hard decisions...What to fill the incubator with for my first time!!!!
Thinking local pickup (within 2 hrs of Chico), good dual purpose (for those hard-to-home roos) and/or Cute and Adorable! Will most likely only be able to keep 1-3 but don't want all meaties because I KNOW my daughter will fall in love with our first hatch (ok, ok... I will too...
) PapaBrooder has some beautiful BBS and Lavender Orps (huge sucker for blues) or...SUGGESTIONS?

Hello everyone!, I am so excited to see so many chicken people in my neck of the woods and I can't wait to become part of the community! I've been living in Davis for 4 years and just decided to go native: learning to ride a bike, joined the co-op and added some beautiful orpington ladies to the family. How did everyone hold up in this heat? We sweated it out but the hot wind was pretty brutal
WELCOME...we have another new member here from Davis too @QueenBubbles & she has a Buff Orpington I think. Maybe you got them at the same place....LOL

Just watched the zipped chick hatch! Saw that the membrane was totally broken so I didn't take my eyes off it, and sure enough within just a minute or two it gave a couple big pushes and was out of the shell. What a neat thing to see!
Yes it is a very neat thing that never seems to get old. Congratulations.
Hello everyone!, I am so excited to see so many chicken people in my neck of the woods and I can't wait to become part of the community! I've been living in Davis for 4 years and just decided to go native: learning to ride a bike, joined the co-op and added some beautiful orpington ladies to the family. How did everyone hold up in this heat? We sweated it out but the hot wind was pretty brutal

and Hello! There are some wonderful people here and more good information that I can wrap my brain around!
Well good morning! Woke up at 4:45 and of course I could not resist looking in the bator. The BCM that had pipped is out, and another is zipping. I read that once one chick hatches it encourages the others to start hatching because they can hear/feel the other chick out there, is that true? Or is my early hatching more likely due to high heat? So far both chicks look great, look healthy and are very lively. However the BCM that just hatched had a couple pieces of shell stuck on it's butt, along with some dried clear stuff. It looks like it's covering the vent, but the chick was protesting being held so I put it back. I'm not positive that it's covering the vent but I think it is. Should I run it under lukewarm water to get the shell/gooey stuff off?

Here's the chick and the egg that is zipping!

Just watched the zipped chick hatch! Saw that the membrane was totally broken so I didn't take my eyes off it, and sure enough within just a minute or two it gave a couple big pushes and was out of the shell. What a neat thing to see!
How exciting! Here's hoping for hens!
I just found Darla, one of my Speckled Sussex, dead in the nest box. Now I can't stop crying. She smells bad, so she must have died yesterday morning and I just didn't notice. Will someone please link me to the link in Kathy's signature, how to send a bird in for necropsy...
I just found Darla, one of my Speckled Sussex, dead in the nest box. Now I can't stop crying. She smells bad, so she must have died yesterday morning and I just didn't notice. Will someone please link me to the link in Kathy's signature, how to send a bird in for necropsy...
First Double bag her and refrigerate not freeze. An ice chest will work too. For some reason people seem to be bothered when they find a dead chicken in the fridge....

Sorry you lost her! On hot days, when I am home I do a health check each hour during the hot time. I have saved a couple that way. If they are passed out, I get them inside and cool them down.
Hello everyone!, I am so excited to see so many chicken people in my neck of the woods and I can't wait to become part of the community! I've been living in Davis for 4 years and just decided to go native: learning to ride a bike, joined the co-op and added some beautiful orpington ladies to the family. How did everyone hold up in this heat? We sweated it out but the hot wind was pretty brutal

Hi and welcome! I just joined here, too, and live in Davis as well. I got the last Orpington from Western Feed so I probably have a clutch-mate of yours. Not sure what kind, maybe Light Orps? They are sooo adorable! Can you post pix?
Here is mine:

This is how we survived that heat (dirt baths):

Looking forward to pix!

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