California - Northern

If my calculations are right, they should be hatching either July 3rd or 4th if set tomorrow. :) Hopefully your hatch will go well!!

The carton says 156July4th so I think they are 1 week old?

Yep! 156 is June 5, same as mine, someone posted a Julian calendar on one of the other threads and I printed it since I was picking up eggs today. We'll have to take notes and compare as things go. I'm giving 2 of my dozen to a friend with a broody so that'll be interesting.
I'm super excited! I candled all the eggs and outlined the airsac for future reference. They all look good, no detached or saddle shaped. A few are "jiggly" but barely. And I noticed that they were all packed large end up so I have hope.

I was thinking about not turning them for the first day or so like some people recommend for shipped eggs but with them looking so good and the fact that I'm letting them sit for almost 24hr anyway; should I just plug the turner in when I set them?

Yes, turn on the turner if the air cells look good.
Did you know there's a thread just for Trader Joes & other grocery store hatching eggs?
Yep! Been reading thru it a bit.

Yes, turn on the turner if the air cells look good.
Thank you Ron! As always

The eggs shippped from chooks chicks came in very nice shape. They will be set for the 13th for calculating the hatch date.

They are 18 Konza Rangers and 5 Pita Pinta eggs.
Ron, is this someone else breeding Pita Pintas? Did they get their stock from someone other than Megan?
And this is this morning.

We had one Silver Sussex chick do the same thing. I thought it was so bad I would have to cull. Then like yours, the next day he was fine!!! I think sometimes it takes them a few hours to build up the strength needed to straighten up.

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