California - Northern

3! 2 more to go!

I have six silkies out and 6 more with pips!

They are doing very well so far.
I'm on the verge of giving up having tried all the tips supplied as to how to reach Kathy Bonham and somebody called, capayvalleychick. Don't see the need for Facebook, Saveface or whatever those unnecessary odd ball communication lines are called. Give me a break and respond the normal and proven ways. E-mail or phone calls are all that are necessary! All else are inscrutable, complicated, unfathomable to me and mysterious. Thank you all.

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Hi Keeper! Would love to visit your enterprise as I'm only 35 miles south of Sacramento. You may reply by standard e-mail as I whipped out by face books and their allies which to me are unfathomable and not helpful nor necessary. Don't need the inscrutable complications when we have methods which work. Anybody remember Alex G. Bell?
Best regards to all,

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