California - Northern

Has anyone else been having issues with the "reply" box? When I quote something, all I get is code... I think, I'm not sure if that's what it is exactly. I also don't get the tool bar on the top, which doesn't allow me to upload photos or add smileys.

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.
So we've come to the hard decision to put off my breeding plans for a few years and and go roo - less with the exception of one particularly sweet bantam. Anyone want a 4 month Light Sussex or bantam Cochin? (I'll post pics from my computer shortly)
I'm in Modesto. Rather too far away to travel for a cockerel :) But the Sussex is tempting - we really like them and only have one hen. Can't breed much with one hen
Wow! There is nothing like a 6.0 earthquake to remind you that you live close to a fault line! I hope that those of you who are closer to American Canyon didn't have any damage from it!

I did discover through this that we have an earthquake alarm system! I was in the kitchen at 3:20 this morning when the earthquake hit. My hanging wine glasses and light over the dining room table started swinging. My husband felt the bed shake and got up. But there was absolute pandemonium in the chicken coop. I don't know whether it jolted the chickens awake or knocked a few off the roost but all of them were giving the alarm call as loudly as they could. It sounded like they were being attacked! It took them 5-10 min to calm down. I hope that they didn't wake up the neighbors!
Wow! There is nothing like a 6.0 earthquake to remind you that you live close to a fault line! I hope that those of you who are closer to American Canyon didn't have any damage from it!

I did discover through this that we have an earthquake alarm system! I was in the kitchen at 3:20 this morning when the earthquake hit. My hanging wine glasses and light over the dining room table started swinging. My husband felt the bed shake and got up. But there was absolute pandemonium in the chicken coop. I don't know whether it jolted the chickens awake or knocked a few off the roost but all of them were giving the alarm call as loudly as they could. It sounded like they were being attacked! It took them 5-10 min to calm down. I hope that they didn't wake up the neighbors!

Been through those. I am amazed how much noise a structure makes after the ground moves. During a Northridge quake aftershock, back in '94, I was out on the front lawn and the ground rolled under my feet. As I was guessing 5.0 in my head, the building started a crescendo from the movement. It seamed to last forever for such a short jolt.
Been through those. I am amazed how much noise a structure makes after the ground moves. During a Northridge quake aftershock, back in '94, I was out on the front lawn and the ground rolled under my feet. As I was guessing 5.0 in my head, the building started a crescendo from the movement. It seamed to last forever for such a short jolt.

What was surprising is that there was no noise here, but the house was moving pretty good. I just checked the damage that I can see so far, but the chicikens are still on edge and the dogs are very friendly.

Wow! There is nothing like a 6.0 earthquake to remind you that you live close to a fault line! I hope that those of you who are closer to American Canyon didn't have any damage from it!

I did discover through this that we have an earthquake alarm system! I was in the kitchen at 3:20 this morning when the earthquake hit. My hanging wine glasses and light over the dining room table started swinging. My husband felt the bed shake and got up. But there was absolute pandemonium in the chicken coop. I don't know whether it jolted the chickens awake or knocked a few off the roost but all of them were giving the alarm call as loudly as they could. It sounded like they were being attacked! It took them 5-10 min to calm down. I hope that they didn't wake up the neighbors!

Woodland is not close enough that I felt is but the chickens were acting odd today. They were sounding alarm clucks--A lot on here call it the egg song. It took them a while to calm down. It looks like they were sounding about the time of the last micro quake from the main quake.
Woodland is not close enough that I felt is but the chickens were acting odd today. They were sounding alarm clucks--A lot on here call it the egg song. It took them a while to calm down. It looks like they were sounding about the time of the last micro quake from the main quake.

Some believe that the animals will warn you of an impending quake. There seems to be something to that.

it was a very rolling/wave-like-feeling quake up here on Sonoma Mtn, but amazingly no stuff fell off shelves, and as far as i can tell, the chickens slept through it. cats were freaked out, though -- as was i, for a bit! strongest one i've felt since 1989...

and it looks like Napa has really borne the brunt of this one -- hope everyone is okay.
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