California - Northern

all is well here, but the strangest thing was seeing "earthquake lightning," which i'd never even HEARD of (and have lived in CA since i was two years old, in 1969) -- and which several other friends, who live in completely different towns than me, also reported seeing. two flashes, one during and one just after the shaking. beyond bizarre. here's a link someone posted:
And I thought I was hallucinating, maybe, or just groggy & my brain making stuff up...
I saw them too!
Actually, I thought the lights were going on & off in my aviary for some weird reason.
I am so excited! @Papa Brooder was able to arrange for someone from the Chico/Oroville area to bring me down some replacement BLRW eggs for the ones the PO ruined. He only had 8 so he also sent 3 nice dark BC Marans egg. I let them set over night and put them in the Brinsea this morning... Fingers crossed I get some Blue Laced pullets out of these.
Thank you so much Jeff!!!!
(I gave Sherie $10 for her trouble. She didn't want to take it but I insisted..)

On a sadder note, I came home from shopping and went out to check eggs. I counted chicks under the broody and there were only 5. After a brief search I found #6 sprawled out n the ground in the pen barely alive. No sign of trauma. Fat, otherwise healthy looking CCL chick. I have no idea what could have happened. I brought it in and gave it a bit of electrolyte water and a tiny drop of Poly Vi Sol, but it didn't make.
. One of the 3 I had gotten died in the first couple of days after I brought them home so I only have on CCL chick left and 4 Marans. I sure hope the last one makes it.
What do you all think of my Black Copper Maran?
She lays medium brown eggs (probably a 4 to 5) and has been a good broody in the past.
I just want to understand more about the SOP of the breed.

How's her body shape & color?

Here's a close-up in the nest box. She likes to try & camoflage (eye roll):
I am so excited! @Papa Brooder was able to arrange for someone from the Chico/Oroville area to bring me down some replacement BLRW eggs for the ones the PO ruined. He only had 8 so he also sent 3 nice dark BC Marans egg. I let them set over night and put them in the Brinsea this morning... Fingers crossed I get some Blue Laced pullets out of these.
Thank you so much Jeff!!!!
(I gave Sherie $10 for her trouble. She didn't want to take it but I insisted..)

On a sadder note, I came home from shopping and went out to check eggs. I counted chicks under the broody and there were only 5. After a brief search I found #6 sprawled out n the ground in the pen barely alive. No sign of trauma. Fat, otherwise healthy looking CCL chick. I have no idea what could have happened. I brought it in and gave it a bit of electrolyte water and a tiny drop of Poly Vi Sol, but it didn't make.
. One of the 3 I had gotten died in the first couple of days after I brought them home so I only have on CCL chick left and 4 Marans. I sure hope the last one makes it.

I'm sure you'll get a good hatch rate from his eggs, I have good luck from his pens. Sorry about your CCL. "Hopefully" my Legbar eggs will be ready to set by the new year. I'll send some eggs your way as a test shipment. If interested PM me.
What do you all think of my Black Copper Maran?
She lays medium brown eggs (probably a 4 to 5) and has been a good broody in the past.
I just want to understand more about the SOP of the breed.

How's her body shape & color?

Here's a close-up in the nest box. She likes to try & camoflage (eye roll):

Hi Lisa!

Hi Lisa!

Here's the BCM hen's type conformation chart.

I think her body type looks nice from the upper shot...looking solid. And the copper of her hackle seems about the coppery hue it should be- if the hue's not red instead of copper.

However, unfortunately, she does have excessive copper leakage drifting down her chest- color should stop completely by the bottom of her hackle. Am I also seeing small coppery speckles on her wings? She may be mossy, which would DQ her from the show ring, but mossys can lay very pretty eggs!

Also, the shank and leg feathering ideally should go all the way down outside to the bottom of the outer toe. However, breeders may be able to be bred to a bird who has more toe feathering as correct pairing could even out feet feathering in the young. BCM are all about balance issues (I.E. Short backed rooster to long backed hen, etc.). Her comb has some waves to it as well, which would carry onto the next gen's rooster comb- and am I seeing a side comb sprig? (Maybe that is a bent comb tine...?)

Can't see the color of her eyes, but ideally they should not be dark, but a lovely reddish bay, a bit lighter than the male's reddish-orange bay.

I suggest reading the whole BCM discussion thread if anyone is seriously interested in BCM. Most people wouldn't do it as it is over 900 pages. It is a college course in itself, lol. I read it and found it extremely informative. Took about a month. lol

BCM discussion thread

Thanks for showing your pretty hen!
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LOL!!!! I don't drink, wine or any other alcohol, but know many who do and know they would be right there with you.
Saw a picture of the olive oil and vinegar floating out under the store door. That is worth mourning too. How sad.

Seriously, saw three people were hurt, glad it is not more than that!

I was up with the baby at that time and felt NOTHING, heard NOTHING, absolutely nothing. I guess the mountains between us stopped the action. I well remember the 1989 quake as it did quite a bit of small damage in Modesto but I wonder if this one even registered here.
Thank you so much for the info.
I should have thought about finding a BCM thread here.
Yes, her eyes are darker & she's got leakage on her breast & wings - mossy.
She's a hatchery if I remember correctly but she's great anyway. I'm not breeding but want to know more about the breeds I have. :)
I snapped a picture of the Cream Legbar chicks. I have three pullets and 4 cockerels. not bat for having only 8 out of 20 shipped eggs develop and 7 hatch.

Saw a picture of the olive oil and vinegar floating out under the store door. That is worth mourning too. How sad.

Seriously, saw three people were hurt, glad it is not more than that!

I was up with the baby at that time and felt NOTHING, heard NOTHING, absolutely nothing. I guess the mountains between us stopped the action. I well remember the 1989 quake as it did quite a bit of small damage in Modesto but I wonder if this one even registered here.

it hurt more than three, news reports say at least 90 & perhaps as many as 120 people have been treated in various nearby emergency rooms, and quite a lot of serious damage in Napa.
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