California - Northern

Thanks! I will get my girls to help me. What should I specifically focus on besides their saddle area?
Hackles, saddle, wattles and comb. One of the looks like it has a pea comb. A picture that shows the number of peas will help.

For straight combs, you can sometimes tell by the size and shape of the blades.
Hackles, saddle, wattles and comb. One of the looks like it has a pea comb. A picture that shows the number of peas will help.

For straight combs, you can sometimes tell by the size and shape of the blades.
you got it. They should both have cushion type combs. Regardless they are miniscule even my little PP pullet has bigger ones
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We love in Sausalito

It is great to hear from you!

Does anybody know the significance of the intestinal walls being thin, because I don't have the first clue?

Guessing here but you know how the shortest distance between two points is a straight line? Well the intestines is just the opposite. There are projections that extend out from the intestinal wall. Makes the intestinal wall "thicker" (as opposed to thickened- a different problem with villi). I'm guessing that a lack of villi and the subsequent tissue damage from that lack will make the intestinal wall thinner.

The intestines get insulted. Parasite, toxin, virus, stress, medication, idiopathic, whatever. The insult injures the villi. Villi disappear or shorten. The villi absorb nutrients from food. A lack of villi means less absorption. Food stays in gut longer and less is absorbed. Since food is in the gut longer, the normal gut bacteria is given time to "grab" food particles, stay awhile and multiply to potentially dangerous levels. Bacteria absorb nutrients from food instead of individual. Plus the intestinal walls absorb bacteria too. Bacteria gets in blood stream, individual gets sick, very sick.

Sorry, headache and can't think- hope it makes sense.
Hey there all!

SpringPeeper I had to respond to these 2 things

First you have Australorps??? where did you get them? I don't need to be put on a list at this point because I am assuming it will be more than a year before I "need" some but I would love to know more.

Second: I am having a similar struggle right now. really only have room for 2 roos. I have 1 but I really want to keep 2 0r 3 of the cockerels that I have...sigh...

So that brings me to this. I have thought these two were cockerels since the word go. They are the Konza Prarie Rangers @ronott1 hatched for my this summer. The chocolate and gold one (Reese) had a head spot and the silver and black one (Magnus) was HUGE from the get go. Now at 13 weeks I am wondering could at least Magnus be a pullet? The behave like pullets. The don't spar with one another, no crowing obviously, no real waddle development and though they are pink. They are not RED like my older and younger set of cockerels are...assorted Marans, back yard mixes and sex links... It is complicated by their flat combs. They have been selectively bred for that feature. Chantecler are virtually combless and that is one of the foundation breeds and the fact that as a project there is no standard and no body of literature to turn to for help.

That's why I am turning to my best chicken help resource

So what do you think @Happy Chooks , Ron @chiqita and anyone else who wants to weigh in with a thought. Other foundation breeds are "Australian Coronation/Light Sussex, Plymouth Rock, Orpington and Cornish" if that helps

If these are both pullets I would like to keep one of the Birchen Marans cockerels that are currently slated for processing. If either is a pullet I will keep both. If both are cockerels I will probably keep just Magnus and Reese will go in with the Marans boys

Here they are :

Magnus/ Maggie a couple of leg shots

beauty shots

and full body. Orpy shape??

Reese. The photographer, time of day, and coloring make these pics not so good. I will try for more today if you all think it would help

First one above is absolutely a male, this picture told me - pullets don't get short tails like that, and he has thick legs. I need to see the 2nd bird in better lighting.

Quote: Side view with good lighting - not shaded or bright sun. Early mornings or evenings work best, when the sunlight is muted.
Oh @Happy Chooks drat!!! Well

here are more pics of Reese hope these are more helpful.

It looks like Reese has something in his/her beak but it is Petunia in the background with Jamie lee Curtis

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